Security Software AVG Vault Cleanup

A friend of mine is using AVG Anti-Virus,
He wants to know which all entries out of those in the screenshots can he safely delete.

OS: Win XP
Antivirus: AVG as mentioned.
Primary OS on Partition C:

Any help will be appreciated.

PS: i asked him to delete all entries in the Temp folder.
As i dont use XP i dont know about those entries in that recovery folder.... and that ipconfig32 file.

man thats one infected system, xterminator, most of the entries are in windows restore folder, i would be very careful with them, did he check what kind of trojan is that, you dont want a false positive, does he have any other antivirus software.
As for any other anti-virus, nope. AVG only.
Yep...coz of the Restore folder, i asked for help.
Anyways, will see if he can get anyother anti-virus on the system.