at now utility not working in Solaris



I am a new member in this forum. I have an issue in hand, hope i can find a solution.

I am using a SunOS and i use at command to run scripts. However recently I found out that the 'at now' utility is not working.

When i run the job i see the id being assigned to it, however the script doesn't start.

(sdcapc01p:eek:ps)$ at now
at> <EOT>
commands will be executed using /bin/ksh
job 1198101608.a at Wed Dec 19 17:00:08 200

when i use at -l to display all the jobs scheduled using at now i see the job id.

(sdcapc01p:eek:ps)$ at -l
1198101608.a Wed Dec 19 17:00:08 2007:confused:

I have tested the scripts using other methods(like nohup and running in foreground) and the scripts seems to run fine.

Could anyone please help me out to fix this issue as i run most of the jobs using at now.

Thanks in advance