Any MAC users here?

Yes, at the moment I would say "Buy a PC"! :) Sorry, couldn't resist that!

What Intel applications are you running on the Mac? Windows? Even a PC can't speed that one up.
no actually i am running windows XP on the mac using virtual pc. Actually i installed the virtual PC software and installed the Windows XP with the microsoft CD. i am able to use all the option of windows XP . but it is very slow the windows XP take more than 10 min to boot up. any way to sppeden up that.

~[tRiX]~ posted 1.02 minutes later:

anishcool said:
I think he is talking about Intel's C++ and other compilers. Sorry, no idea dude !
C++ and other compilers are availabe in Mac versions also
Hmm Out there Anand is cursing Windows on a PC and here you want to run Windows on a MAC ? Get Tiger, I hear its really good.
try running cool. the graphics is really good. got to lay the hands on the tiger. but i heard there r some probs with the widgets
Well we have a powerbook here in the labs and still running 10.3. Widgets in 10.4 eat too much of memory and leak memory at times too. Plus my prof is in no mood to spend 130$ on an 'OS' upgrade. He'd rather make me run yellow dog linux on it instead :p. There's nothing you can do to improve the speed of windows xp on your mac. Its a different architecture and emulating via software has its drawbacks. If you wanna run xp, get a pc :).
My father uses a titanium G4 with osX 10.1 and os9 in dualboot and always feels forced against the wall due to lack of software.

The net dialler refuses to work under osX stating Classic needs to be shut down when it already is.
The same works perfectly under os9...

Also any place where I can 'acquire' Toast for os9?
Already own the osX version but it requires 10.2.