PC Peripherals Any limit on the number of electronic stuff that cud be brought from US?


Is there any limit on the number of electronic stuff that cud be brought from US? especially computer hardware?

How much electronics items does Customs allow without charging?
I have heard that u can bring used electronic stuff from US and cusotms would not charge for that.. if that is the case can i remove the cover of the item and bring the item alone??

Please give some advice on this... Please advice on how to bring items - packaging and all.....
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i think you are allowed to bring in items of value upto 30k .. last time i checked was more than a year ago so please check again

anyways just pack in whatever you can and wrap it up in a towel or in some way that escapes the eyes of the customs official in case they check :D

boxed items will probably attract more attention.. throw the boxes and pass it off as used stuff or something
A friend of mine brought some stuff from the US recently. 2 or 3 digicams and my Creative ZVM..
What he did was pack the items separately from the boxes (he folded up the boxes flat) so even if any customs officials asked (which they didnt) he could show they were used items.
1. If its a laptop, you can get in one laptop.
2. If its computer hardware, customs regulations (about 8 months back when I came back) say that you are allowed around 25K of stuff. (new/used does not matter AFAIK)
3. Ultimately it all depends on the customs guy. If he catches you (and a 25yr old guy coming from the US is a prime target), then you will have to pay up. Else I know enough people who have got off scot free.
theoretically, you can get only the following:

- 1 laptop

- 2 Ltrs of alcohol

- 25000/- INR worth of any other item that is dutiable (incl. electronics)

In practise, what you can get depends on your luck and also the airport you are coming in from....

Chennai: Noone will bother you uunless you are getting some huge crates along, as long as you are walking out of the green channel with ur handbvag and 2 innocous looking suitcases, noone wll hassle you if you are esp unlucky

and a 25yr old guy coming from the US is a prime target
, in chennai, a lungi clad carrier coming from the inbound Singapore/Dubai flights is the prime target here :p , 25 yr olds coming back from US are small fry :bleh:

Delhi: I have never had probs at delhi, but i have heard some sob stories from ppl abt the custom folks unnecessarily bothering them...However, 1 $20 bill was able to fix all of it on all ocasions

Bombay: I was stopped over there once, but some smooth talking saw me through without any penalties...However, apparently Bombay has one of the worst (or the strictest) custom officrs

To be on the safe side thoough, keep 1-2 low value electronic items and some chocolate boxes with the packing intact to show to the custom offficer if he stops and asks what you've bought along, saying you have bought in nothing will get their radar up...any other high value items, just throw away the packing and keep it in your baggage....also, the custom guys will usually never ask you to open your checked in baggage and only your handbag, so you can keep the unpacked hi-ticket items there...on the flip side, checking in hi ticket items has the associated risk of loss/damage...take your pick....
nah they have a price list with some obscene prices... i got a copy of it last time in chennai
Make sure you carry bills of the items... even e-bills would do that obviously means u can undervalue them. As czar said, it all depends on luck. If the item is small and innocuous, they wouldnt bother but if there are large boxes that you get, they'll ask whats inside. Last time the dude asked me about the x1900 video card I was carrying and let me thru when i said its an accessory for the monitor :p.
You should keep it between Black Plastic. Then it doesnt show up on the Screen.

But if their suspicious, theyll ask you to open the bag :/.
Wrap it in a black plastic in between the clothes, i got a lcd, gfx, cpu, mobo , ram some more stuff plus my lappy , a new diggy cam but no one stopped me even though most stuff was box packed. they just let it go thru the scan and didnt even bother to ask what was inside.