Another noob question - Router or Router with built-in modem


Hi Guys,

I just want to know what's the difference in having a separate devices for modem and router or a router with built-in modem.

Firstly, i think you just need to manage one device. So, less wiring mess.

What about the cost and performance aspects ?

Please list the pros and cons. Also please tell me what kind of setup are you using currently.

I am using a BSNL BB UL 750 in B'lore.


AFAIK, therz no clear advantage! People might want to opt for 2 seperate device for the want of few more customization option, cooked ROM can be experimented safely with seperate router making sure u get network from yr ISP till modem for sure. Some people have modem/router already and want to add router/modem respectively hence instead for buying a combo, buy the missing one. Some times due to hardware limitations and extra hardware ports, ppl may need seperate devices.
Thanks uziel. Agree with you. Did some search on my own.

Got back a few points. So, listing them here.

1. One advantage of a separate router is you don't have a single point of

failure like you do with a combination device. For example if your router

fails you can connect directly to the modem with a PC and still get online.

2. As wireless features are constantly evolving and changing you're much more likely to

have the highest network speed, with greatest range with separate boxes.

3. If either part (modem or Router) brakes, the whole thing has to go. :)