Android for 15k - Please suggest

Hi guys,

Need an android phone for 15k for my dad. Main use is video calling through skype/action voip/viber. He has a Nokia C3 now.

1. Q: Budget?
A: 15k max.. Lower the better

2. Q: Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Q: Preferred display type?
A: Anything.. 320x480 minimum

4. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: No

5. Q: Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen

6. Q: Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Camera maybe for some quick snap. Not a primary concern

7. Q: Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android

8. Q: Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G, WiFi

9. Q: What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Video call

10. Q: Any other requirements?
A: Secondary camera is a must

11. Q: If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Samsung Galaxy Ace, Moto Fire XT, SE Xperia Neo
Basically want a cheap solution with ok-ish specs but with secondary camera. He would be using a touchscreen phone for the first time and is not very tech savvy. My cousin has a Galaxy Ace so am leaning towards it.. But the iphone-ish look is a bit of a turn off..

Thanks in advance for the suggestions..
Thanks guys.. Is there anybody here who has used Moto Fire XT.. read couple of reviews which were not too encouraging..

@emmarbee: No chance of CM7 buddy.. this phone is for my dad who is not at all tech savvy and would be using the phone mainly for video calls.. As for me, I have a SGS2 and O2x with me.. :)