A light daily use laptop needed


1.What's your Budget? around 50K
2.What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? entertainment centre/surfing/reading pdf/pdb journals and documents
3.What size and weight considerations do you have? Want a big screen but would probably have to lug it around on a daily commute:(
4.Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? Don't want an Acer.Looking at the new XPS 15/Sony Vaio C series but would like to look at other options.What is the main difference between the Dell XPS and the Dell business laptops like Vostro ? Is it better build quality?
5.Any other considerations? A laptop that is easily upgradeable in terms of RAM modules/SSD/international warranty...etc would be nice as it is possible that I may keep it for some time.

P.S-Is Singapore a good place to buy a laptop ? I might be moving there in a few months.Should I wait ?
H2O said:
If entertainment=movies and music. Then I would suggest a Tablet.
Wouldn't I lose out on basic needs like connecting speakers to it when I'm home,creating presentations quickly....etc ?
I wouldn't suggest a tablet.

Personally I prefer Dell XPS

Well Vostro is more business look-like, has Win7 Professional OS option and all wada wada.

But for me, Dell XPS makes utter sense, for it's build and it's good looks and in-built speakers.
A tablet is not something I would recommend. Tablet is an extension of smartphones and not an alternative to notebooks/netbooks. Anyways, may I know why you shortlisted the XPS 15 and Vaio C when you only want the laptop for basic tasks ? Is it for FHD screen ???????

If yes then just get CB 15 for 51k. FHD, i5, 1gb 6630m and 500gb 7200 rpm hdd. Dell XPS 15 with i5 and FHD will cost 55k +. And for your requirements it does not make sense.

What I would suggest you instead is get the Lenovo Z570 with core i3 2310M for 32k. More than adequate for your needs and a more sensible purchase if you are not too keen on FHD.
I suggested a tablet, because its going to be easy to carry around and you did not mention that your work would involve creating presentations. The other work is handled easily by any modern day tablet.

Anyway, considering you want a notebook I'd suggest one of the Dell Inspiron's as they come with accidental cover.
if you dont mind jumping to osx i would suggest you to wait for a sandy bridge macbook air.its very light and would be perfect for your needs.also check one of those thing samsung netbooks.they are nice as well.
vantheman5211 said:
a sandy bridge macbook air
What price point should I be looking at here ?
Would not mind a new OS actually (as long as Win 7 can be installed as backup for the mundane tasks in life!).
Can I get a decent Mac in this price range ?
Are the Mac stores the best places to buy the laptop ?
Do you need the address of the vendor or you need tips to buy the Mac stores... which country are you from... what is the price of the laptop you have got... how many pieces you wish to buy.....