[56k warning] Delirious. Joyous. Mega Show-off. :D

i am so impressed u post lot of Ton stuff :O awesome one man i love the lens and xbox 360 too
btw did u test usb 3/0 at macbook , so is there is any performance improve :)
@sajitsm: facepalm fail? :p

@mortdracu: No shipping sites... all stuff bought from Newegg and carried by a friend coming down from US. Except the MBA and Lens, that was bought when I visited Hong-Kong.

@JayMathers: As Metalspree mentioned, Lens was bought from Hong-Kong. I had no plans to buy it, but got a good deal so bought it. :)

@manuvikram007: All the pics are shot with Nikon 35mm f/1.8 prime lens, on D90.

@Arun.P: Sorry bro, but my Macbook and the new MBA both doesn't have USB3.0 ports. :)
Congrats iGo! Your show-offs are always grand!

A quick question, how's the screen real estate on the 11". Good enough for spreadsheets and stuff? What do you mainly use it for?