3g/4g broadbandWi-Fi router

Hi friends,

I have Huawei UMG 1831 modem and 3g connection of BSNL, Reliance, and Tata Docomo. In my house, Reliance has best signal and gives good speed from 700 kbps to 2.4 mbps, BSNL connection is interrupted 70 kbps to 1 mbps varies and disconnect itself, and Tata Docomo nil. Connection through my Nokia E51 phone also gave similar speed results.

Outside my house at 6 meters, all 3 have good signal.

I want to connect Huawei UMG 1831 modem to a 3g/4g broadband wi-fi router at 10 meters and use wirelessly 3g connection. I want to keep it in my car and power the router with battery where the signal is best.

So friends, is there any router which I can connect with my Huawei UMG 1831 modem and enjoy the full potential of 3g through wi-fi connection. The router should cover at least 10 meters Wi-Fi connection.

Budget 3K +/- whatever.

Thanks in advance.