Laptops 2011 Mac laptops unable to handle load

Typical, they are the laziest, most technically backward company and yet the biggest. They made this chassis for the Core 2 Duo laptops and now they are shoving in Core i7s. Typical of Apple. If one is paying nearly double the price in Apple tax for a similar config, the least they expect is a cooling solution that works... Absolutely laughable. Why people still go gaga over Macbooks I will never understand.
nitant said:
It has been proven to be caused due to the ATI Graphic Card. Overheating is a common thing with Apple Products.
Yeah and besides the thread title is misleading - the 13" MBP doesn't have an ATI GPU and doesn't overheat as a result. The culprits are the 15" and 17" versions.
The thing is that the bad apples get as much publicity as the good apples.

moreover, does ati choose cooling solutions for their chips in mac or is it a decision made by apple?
Ha, ha ha....

The latest 10.6.7 solves the issue, Atleast we know how it happens..

Somebody please help me from BSODs of Windows 7, Reason unknown, Reproducability - Unpredictable....
A properly built Windows machine with properly authentic software has far fewer chances of getting messed up than you would think. I've run W7 for about a year now, and had a grand total of 1 crash that was caused by a virus.

And this post is being typed from a 13" 2011 MBP that runs much, much cooler than the Vaio it replaced and pretty much any other laptop in the office (and has a battery that lasts all day without a recharge). Ir has sixteen applications open and shows no sign of errors or crashing.

Some people on this thread just need to get a life instead of bashing or fawning brands. Unless you personally are facing a problem, there's not much point in scouring the web for links and spamming forums without having your own point of view or personal experience.
How to fix this issue entirely: It's now confirmed by multiple testimonies, on Apple's discussions forums, that 10.6.7 does solve this issue entirely. Tests has been done using the various scenarios described below as well as using high demanding benchmarking software like SmallUXGPU, and nobody has been able to reproduce the issue since 10.6.7. Good work Apple!

So update to 10.6.7 and problem solved! :)


Mac OS X v10.6.7 Update