Need help in getting membership of Team-BHP

You get TeamBHP Stickers outside, its not tough to get fakes. I like their content and do not see biased reviews like big auto websites. I have been here since 2008 and trust me, there has been a change on the kind of content we get here. Now I see more classifieds compared to the other stuff we share. It is what it is.
I joined April 2006 . Can't remember if there was an essay to write then . Just logged in to check my joining date there . Previously tbhp was on Tapatalk made it easier for me to read as I use it to browse my forums . Since quite a while they have been off Tapatalk just like xda . I had got some infractions for bad grammar and incorrect spelling . Since then pretty much stopped posting there .
You get TeamBHP Stickers outside, its not tough to get fakes. I like their content and do not see biased reviews like big auto websites. I have been here since 2008 and trust me, there has been a change on the kind of content we get here. Now I see more classifieds compared to the other stuff we share. It is what it is.
Yup. Their reviews are quite good and so is the other stuff. I don't miss not being on it.
Yup. Their reviews are quite good and so is the other stuff. I don't miss not being on it.
The only downside of not being on that forum is that you cannot post or reach out to the person via a message. Rest, it has all the info. Just check so many topics are there, I have few TeamBHP members in my Society and they are always helpful. And you have all kind of people in a forum. We have good, bad and ugly people (scammers) on TE too.

TBHP has its pros and cons, there are some really super helpful people there like Leoshashi and there are also some pretentious/obnoxious people whose heads have disappeared up their own asses.
There was a FB group named as ToonBHP sucks that highlighted some of the ridiculous posts seen there, too bad the page is gone now.
Team Best Hated Place- BHP

On more thing...few years ago I saw a car parked on road with bhp logo on its rear screen, I was happy to peel it off completely. Glad I wasn't carrying a spray paint I would have painted the BHP long form there... The kid inside me is ALive and kicking baby!

If any loyal BHP dog here, do bark in your bhp backyard and share this incident rather than defending anythng here!
I channelled that rage in a different way. Made them redundant.

There was no thread about inverters here, made one, and made it better than what they got.

No point taking it out on members, they don't make board policy. This is like hating the people of some country because they have a govt that makes crazy policy.
There was a FB group named as ToonBHP sucks that highlighted some of the ridiculous posts seen there, too bad the page is gone now.
They don't like criticism so the page got taken down for bad grammar and spelling. That is what I would expect from this lot.

That is the problem with these elites and this problem is more pervasive than you think.

How dare the common man speak up
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You get TeamBHP Stickers outside, its not tough to get fakes.
Yes, have seen their stickers been sold at Fort mumbai, Dadar, bombay central bridge, lamington, colaba and few such places. in fact digit, facebook, twitter, google stickers too.
No point taking it out on members, they don't make board policy. This is like hating the people of some country because they have a govt that makes crazy policy.
Na na nothing against any member at all just that rather than showcasing anger here they can flame it on bhp forums and let the community know how they have lost respect outside their 4 walls with their pathetic admission policies!
Maybe a case of sour grapes, though I've been on the receiving end of infractions such strict moderation keeps the quality of posts and info good. They don't want numbers and clearly it is designed in such a way as to reject 99 percent of the applicants. I've a feeling the selection process is mostly handled by GTO alone and that's why such low numbers are allowed to get in. Team bhp is his property and he flexes his influence showing it off. Also people hate moderation my friend got into it after a six month try and was posting great stuff then he got into an argument with mods for an infraction for which he got a month's ban, it turned him off so much he stopped visiting the site, he's a petrohead so was surprising the way he reacted.
I am on Offline reader of Teambhp and I can still read all the information that they will post. Unless I really want to post, I am fine if I am not a member on TBHP.
Maybe a case of sour grapes, though I've been on the receiving end of infractions such strict moderation keeps the quality of posts and info good. They don't want numbers and clearly it is designed in such a way as to reject 99 percent of the applicants. I've a feeling the selection process is mostly handled by GTO alone and that's why such low numbers are allowed to get in. Team bhp is his property and he flexes his influence showing it off. Also people hate moderation my friend got into it after a six month try and was posting great stuff then he got into an argument with mods for an infraction for which he got a month's ban, it turned him off so much he stopped visiting the site, he's a petrohead so was surprising the way he reacted.
I'm sure even if someone attaches a formal recommendation letter from our respected PM then too they will reject the admission stating nor the PM nor the applicant deserves to be a part of their family due to lack of their automobile world knowledge..
Well, it got approved. I just saw the mail .

As someone else said, being honest and genuine seems to be enough.
I dont think anyone might be faking during signup faking owning a Porsche or some uncle working as a safai karamchari at a Ferrari..
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On more thing...few years ago I saw a car parked on road with bhp logo on its rear screen, I was happy to peel it off completely. Glad I wasn't carrying a spray paint I would have painted the BHP long form there... The kid inside me is ALive and kicking baby!
Are you sure that what you did here is ethically, morally and legally right? And do you see someone who does this be entitled to membership at an automotive forum where people are passionate about their cars?

I think you need to do some introspection man.
Maybe a case of sour grapes, though I've been on the receiving end of infractions such strict moderation keeps the quality of posts and info good.
I have difficulty understanding how someone like you can get an infraction for anything. What was it for?
Also people hate moderation my friend got into it after a six month try and was posting great stuff then he got into an argument with mods for an infraction for which he got a month's ban, it turned him off so much he stopped visiting the site, he's a petrohead so was surprising the way he reacted.
This will make more sense after you reply
Na na nothing against any member at all just that rather than showcasing anger here they can flame it on bhp forums and let the community know how they have lost respect outside their 4 walls with their pathetic admission policies!
I've looked for posts like that. Never found any. They must be removing them. Going by the resentment i see here there are definitely disgruntled members.
I have difficulty understanding how someone like you can get an infraction for anything. What was it for?

I have difficulty understanding how someone like you can get an infraction for anything. What was it for?

This will make more sense after you reply

I've looked for posts like that. Never found any. They must be removing them. Going by the resentment i see here there are definitely disgruntled members.
I mentioned the top speeds i had hit in my bike, didn't know it was against the rule to mention speeding, mostly now I mention the rpms, lol,, also lots of mod notices for spell check, and formating etc, problem is when we type on mobile the spacing and spell check creates a lot of errors and these get flagged immediately.
I mentioned the top speeds i had hit in my bike, didn't know it was against the rule to mention speeding, mostly now I mention the rpms, lol,,
Responsible. They are trying to discourage breaking the law.

also lots of mod notices for spell check, and formating etc, problem is when we type on mobile the spacing and spell check creates a lot of errors and these get flagged immediately.
I remember there was resistance to SMS speak back in the day. Is that what you mean? this was common in many places

it took me a while to go from 'u' to you

Like I'm a big fan of accented English and spelling phonetically. No go in this place :sorry:
So what I understand the main grouse of general public is that:
1) they are unable to gain membership easily
2) they are unable to post bullshit content using bullshit language
3) they get banned from the forum at the slightest hint of disagreement with the mods

Well seems like just the stuff that happens in real life interacting with people and groups.
Wake up folks, you cannot expect everything on virtual world interwebs to be run like free-for-all.

I am seeing the content posted there, many of it is definitely opinions and prejudices, but I see a lot many fact based and genuinely helping potential buyers.

And whether you believe it or not: posting in sms & whatsapp lingo instantly reduces the seriousness of any content, howsoever much informative it could be.
I have seen most of the forums, with passing time, being reduced to rude incoherent accusations, rants, ramblings and clash of egos between factions, all affecting the seriousness of the forum.

Like they say anonymity brings out the worst in the people. Tough rules are required to keep conversations sane and informative for the rest of the public.
There is always twitter, facebook, instagram for gossipy entertainment.
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