XBOX 1 with Original Halo 2, Some Hdd's

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XBOX 1 with 8gb default and original halo2 and some other games ----> 2.2k+ shipping

XBOX 1 with 160gb and original halo2 and some other games ----> 3.5k + shipping

arnd 15 games is backed up to the xbox 160gb hdd, USB ports are added on to the front of it so it can be used with Linux and can be attached with keyboard and mouse :)

SEAGATE 160GB IDE --> 1.4k + shipping
drive is in warranty till 24th sept 2011

SEAGATE 8GB IDE HDD --> 0.2k + shipping

IBM 20GB IDE HDD --> 0.4k + shipping

also having
4 samsung hdd ide drives and 1 quantum fireball hdd(non-working) - 75rs. for each :) + shipping
A Pentium 3 800mhz processor :- rs.200 + shipping
2x64mb + 1x128mb sd ram - rs.200 + shipping
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