Why i under report my Income: Open letter to PM Modi from an Indian

Lets look at an alternative version. Lets say that this sage advice's that every body needs to bath in milk on 50 amavasya nights and that everybody needs to contribute a jug of milk each time so that they can all take a bath and get cured. Lets say that the first time, most of the people contributed milk, but the sage and a few of the villagers siphons it off and sell off a big volume of it in another village and the rest, the sage gives away to a select few people of his liking. The villagers saw that they were not cured and after seeing that they are not getting any benefit after contributing for a few times, some of them start contributing only half or quarter of a jug or stop contributing all together. The point being that when people see that their contribution is not getting used for the purpose they were contributed for, they will not even have a reason left for contributing.
I was not really going to respond to this thread because I thought I made my point clear but I guess I have explain it in full:
You totally missed the point of the story. The sage and people working together was an allegory to democracy, where everyone has a role to play. And that too in equal parts. That said given the socialist nature of things in India, it shouldn't be surprise that you had to construe the story of a master slave or rich vs poor or even the powerful political class vs the general public one. Because it seems thats who we are - proper sheeple, not people, but sheeple. We need a shepherd to guide us. We don't want to do anything than be talking heads but expect everything to be done for us. We don't want to do our part but expect greatness to descend from heavens and deliver us from all the issues. We expect the "greatness" from our politicians and want "laws" made to resolve difficult issues like corruption. I am looking at you, Kejriwal and the IAC. What a hogwash is/was the whole idea of Lokpal, as if Lokpal couldn't be corrupted going further.

What we seem to forget is the human nature side to this whole thing. This letter says ask some to accept cheques? How? Will that stop people from trying to still ask for cash? No. Did the recent ban on notes with a caveat stop from petrol pumps acting up or even some hospitals to refuse notes? No. One might say - well what if there was a severe punishment for not accepting the notes? That might deter people. But will it? No. If there is a guy arguing on this in the petrol pump queue, no one will come up to support him rather many will berate him for being a hindrance. What the hell is the government or Modi supposed to do about it? Have a officer stationed at each petrol pump or should Modi do it personally? It is instead for the people to take this up. That is the rank hypocrisy of the Indian public.

I have been in a similar situation myself - Couple of years ago, I was traveling in a train. I ordered some food from the vendor. He got the food but not the water. I asked him but he dismissed me outright. I knew the rules so asked him to bring the complaint book or the menu card. He grew sullen and went away. What did the people next to me do? Well dig into the food and berate the government for such tacky service. I was incensed and made the same point I made in this thread. Everyone went - oh but this is the government etc etc. The next stop that guy bought me a bottle and now everyone was on the gravy train. Everyone wanted a bottle.

Now it could have happened that the vendor could outright ignore me. Yes, but then I wouldn't have left him alone and pursued the case with him. If not the other route was to complain to TC further more the station master. I dint care that whether things would've changed or not, but it was my civic duty to do that. But can you imagine what if the other 71 people in the bogey complained with me, what would have happened? But they dint, they were okay with riding the coattails of someone else doing the hard work. That is the truth of Indian public. Why is that? Is it because they felt good about themselves paying their taxes? We have paid so we don't need to check the goods or have them delivered? This has to be the only transaction where this happens.

Again, to be repeating from my other post - it is utterly naive to expect things will happen on their own and be conflict free. It is up to us to put it on the correct path. Put a little effort in doing things even if there are no results because (using a saying about learning in Hindi) - padath padath abhyas ke jadmati ho sujan, rasari awat zaat hain sail par pade nisan - it means with practice even a fool can become learned the same way a rope grinding against a well's stone can cause small markings on it. I don't want the parallelism from the saying to be misinterpreted again - just like the fool, we have to try our best so that one day we can make a mark on the stone.

That said, is one right or wrong to complain to the government? They are absolutely right. Because government is answerable to people. But not in this way. You cannot be proud of your stealing and then berate someone to be a thief. At least have some dignity which this so much liked letter seem to lack.

Now there are multiple points to why can't we reach my dream but as I said in the other thread. Its not a competition. Its a discussion, so if you disagree it is fine.
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For a 200 crore Road contract, a local MLA is asking 2% share,
So how much a contractor needs to save to get the above 2% + 7% which he usually saves for profit + for paying interest on money he gets from a money lender maybe its a bank or any private individual.

All infrastucture, healthcare, public utility projects should be transparent and accountable to the tax payers of a democracy.

If indeed our elected representatives are truthful then they should take their salary and serve us but they come into politics to get their shares which is unaccountable or black money.

Why blame Mr.Modi, as this was happening since 60 years and we are foolish to expect that change will occur in 10 years only.

I hope and wish that Mr.Modi shall stay as PM for the next 10 years, so that we can see a sea of change in the attitude of people in this country.

Complete change in the attitude of our people will occur unless the successive goverments after Modi do continue the same policy for another 15 years.

At least my children can live in a world of utopia.
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