Why always "Acquiring network address"?


My LAN icon in the tray to which only the DataOne modem's Ethernet cable is connected, always shows the status as "Acquiring network address", as can be seen below:

I have noticed that it will take anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes to actually say "Connected" in the status. But during this time the connection to the net is anyway active and running just fine. Any particular reason for this? Or are the DataOne so dismally slow in assigning an IP address to me?
in your network card (local area network)properties did u manually enter an address ? is the preferred one . do you connect via modem or using RASPPPoe dialer ?
I have noticed that it will take anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes to actually say "Connected" in the status. But during this time the connection to the net is anyway active and running just fine. Any particular reason for this? Or are the DataOne so dismally slow in assigning an IP address to me?
the first thing that happens when you connect to bsnl servers, is giving you i.p address. so you will not browse for 20 minutes without a ip address, must be some other reason.
to clear your doubt connect here & see your ip
jai said:
My LAN icon in the tray to which only the DataOne modem's Ethernet cable is connected, always shows the status as "Acquiring network address", as can be seen below:

The network address being acquired is for the link between your PC and DSL Modem. Its not the IP address being assigned by BSNL.

Either your DSL modem assigns an IP address to the LAN port - which it doesn't seem to be doing from the 15 to 20 minutes it takes to acquire an IP add, or your LAN port should be configured to a particular IP add (usually something like

Though its still rather strange that you are able to connect even without the link being established between the PC and modem.
Its not the IP address being assigned by BSNL.
i am not following you there, but he is getting assigned a dynamic address from bsnl right, atleast upto his modem ? or you saying ip is being generated or manually assigned by him, i thought most dsl users have dynamic addresses.
assign ur network card an ip address like if u have standalone system else if u want to share the net with other computer then
dipdude said:
i am not following you there, but he is getting assigned a dynamic address from bsnl right, atleast upto his modem ? or you saying ip is being generated or manually assigned by him, i thought most dsl users have dynamic addresses.

Yep, dynamic IP adds are generated from BSNL. You have to assume the DSL modem to be another PC to follow this:

The modem receives the dynamic IP add from BSNL when you connect. This IP add is what is presented to the WWW when you browse.

The link between the modem and your PC is like a network between two PC's - thats why you use the Private IP address ranges like 192.168.x.x.

archish said:
assign ur network card an ip address like if u have standalone system else if u want to share the net with other computer then

That makes no difference. If you're sharing your net connection - it would be recommended to set the port for the DSL modem to the 192.168.1.x type of IP adds , and your other ethernet port connecting you to the shared computer/rest of the network to the 192.168.0.x type of IP adds.
well i think i confused everyone. I meant to assign an ip address to the LAN card the modem has an preassigned IP address:

I wanted him to assign the LAN card an ip address like