Which laptop to buy: XPS 15 or Alienware M14X?


which of the following should one buy.. giv reasons for your answer.. ??
[a] xps 15
alienware m14x

P.S. answers without reasons will not be awarded any marks..
P.P.S. :p
You sure.. Because even i was thinking alienware... it looks cool... i think both the laptops have pretty much same config.. but will i be loosing anything if i buy alienware...

P.S. i basically want to do video editing and stuff...
IF it is PRIMARILY only for gaming, then I would say go for Alienware M14x because of its better GPU. Otherwise get the XPS 15. Because -

1) Its cheaper

2) Has a better quality screen (B+RG FHD)

3) The same price (85k) will get you XPS 15 with a better CPU
Both the above - a better screen and faster CPU will help you with video and photo editing. And at that price M14x is not exceptional value either. A 52k HP will equal if not better it in gaming performance.
Should I buy a Honda City or a CRV ? :|

Please detail your requirements and budget.

EDIT: I reread, and its like you're doing an opinion poll. Then just consider the 1st part of my reply
I loled hard; and what TAO Said!! You are comparing stuffs of two different league, not a good thing.

It depends on your need and ur budget if you should buy a Alienware Laptop or not ;)
comp@ddict said:
Don't think that GPU in there will provide gaming fps at 3D
Its a pretty decent GPU, and the same on as on M14X. And yes it does not deliver good fps for 3D gaming but then it is not marketed as a gaming notebooks anyways. Its a multimedia notebook.
I'd say Dell XPS - reason: it has much better sound, better screen, better build quality(debetable) and great value for money (you can save some and then later buy a SGS II ;) )