Where I can buy Galaxy Note 800(or Xperia Z) Tablet at cheapest price in India?

Hello Guys,

I want to buy Galaxy Note 800 in India with warranty at best price.

Also what will be the alternative to this tablet, i hav shortlisted Xperia Z Tablet but I suppose that won't be available in India anysoon.

Since I want warranty on every product I buy, so please give your suggestions accordingly.

Samsung's ads claim best price is 35.5k but their shops still list it at 37.5k.

I bought mine in Dec from a small shop for 36.5k that had a good relationship with the distributor, beating samsung's shop by 1k. The guy even offered to break the seal and show me the tab so i could do a quick dead pixel test whereas Samsung shop refused.

The boxes are all sealed so that;s your guarantee.

There was also a promo during that month to get a free book cover case which is overpriced at Rs.3k

So overall cost to me was 36.5 - 3 = 33.3k :)