What games will you be buying this year?


I will be buying the following games this year:

GTA 4 - Collectors Edition preferably
WoW WotLK - Collectors Edition preferably
Left for Dead
Far Cry 2

May Buy

Spore depending on how the game actually is
Fallout 3 again depending on how well they have made the game
Warhammer Online

waht about u guys? Maybe help me reevaluate the list
all games which have great multiplayer value along with superb single player missions.


1: GTA4

2: FCry2

3: Crisis Warhead

4: COD upcoming one

5: others that mite prove their mattle
^^ er everyone...The question is "What games will you be buying this year ?", Not "What games will you be playing this year ?" :p :p

dont mind this if you are too wealthy to understand my puny joke :p