Audio what after the IE80?


i have been using Sennheiser flagship the IE80 for almost 2 years now and though i have never heard anything like it before and have loved its sound so much so that i though of re-owing them, but i guess its time to check what others have to offer.
IE80 were every thing i needed in terms of sound quality and sound signature, so much so that i am having problem moving on, but there were a few reasons i had to
1. the fit was a major issue, had to spend months on finding the perfect earbuds for them.
2. not so compact, which again caused problems when i wore them for long durations.
3. built quality, this may be a subjective matter as i use my earphones as a daily driver, and always keep them in my pocket where ever i go, but IE80 failed me far too many times for me to forgive. and the constant replacement was a pain in the butt.
anyways my audiophile fascination started with some brainwave's and after that it has been pretty much Sennheiser, weather it be the HD449, HD558, or the recently acquired HD650 which is on its way to fill the void created by IE80 demise.
(sorry for the long backstory just bare with me a little bit longer)
what i want now is a daily driver, it should have a warm soundsignature, the soundstage and accuracy like the IE80's but a compact size and a steadier built and if possible alot cheaper. ANY IDEAS??
thanks for baring with me.
IE80 can surely get addictive due to its warm , bassy and fun sound and one of the best sound stage . I dont have an IE80 but got an IE8 ( which is somewhat close i believe ) after I was bored of the TF10 sound signature .

Its going to be tough to find a replacement which is similar but only options I can think of are Earsonics SM3 , Westone 4 , JVC FX700 and maybe to an extent one of those Vsonics - GR07 Bass edition maybe ? Vsonic has too many diff versions of GR07 and its always confusing . The one I had tried was more close to neutral than warm but had good bass and soundstage.

BTW what tips you used for IE80 for perfect fit and seal ? Comply / foam works best for me but reduces treble :(
IE80 can surely get addictive due to its warm , bassy and fun sound and one of the best sound stage . I dont have an IE80 but got an IE8 ( which is somewhat close i believe ) after I was bored of the TF10 sound signature .

Its going to be tough to find a replacement which is similar but only options I can think of are Earsonics SM3 , Westone 4 , JVC FX700 and maybe to an extent one of those Vsonics - GR07 Bass edition maybe ? Vsonic has too many diff versions of GR07 and its always confusing . The one I had tried was more close to neutral than warm but had good bass and soundstage.

BTW what tips you used for IE80 for perfect fit and seal ? Comply / foam works best for me but reduces treble :(
i remember when i used comply foam tips, the whole sound experience was destroyed for me! the bass was gone and the sound stage got really narrow[DOUBLEPOST=1386016233][/DOUBLEPOST]and i don't know which particular ones i used, i had gathered more than dozen types of tips of the years,i used large silicon tips and changed them from time to time.
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IE80 can surely get addictive due to its warm , bassy and fun sound and one of the best sound stage . I dont have an IE80 but got an IE8 ( which is somewhat close i believe ) after I was bored of the TF10 sound signature .

Its going to be tough to find a replacement which is similar but only options I can think of are Earsonics SM3 , Westone 4 , JVC FX700 and maybe to an extent one of those Vsonics - GR07 Bass edition maybe ? Vsonic has too many diff versions of GR07 and its always confusing . The one I had tried was more close to neutral than warm but had good bass and soundstage.

BTW what tips you used for IE80 for perfect fit and seal ? Comply / foam works best for me but reduces treble :(
HD605! wow, every time i think this must be it, comes something that makes me realize that i am just starting. wanted ur take on what amp should i use with 650?? currently i have fiio E17
Hahah 650 is one headphone which just keeps getting better with higher-end amps so it totally depends on your budget . Your current E17 might be barely making it to the full potential of the HD 650.
Hahah 650 is one headphone which just keeps getting better with higher-end amps so it totally depends on your budget . Your current E17 might be barely making it to the full potential of the HD 650.
exactly :( its barely able to run it at its full potential and with this new acquisition of 650 there is not much that i can spent on a new amp, but i think a step of from E17 is inevitable, and that would be?