CPU/Mobo want some funda


hi guys,

got myself a q6600 with abit -e and 2 gb of 800 mhz ram .the grahic card is a riva tnt2 64 of pci vga type not pci express. want to know is the graphic card bottlenecking the performance which i am detecting on multitasking?
should i go for the pci express?

thanks all of ya
kinda strange...suppose i have given the quad some work to do and then try to double click on a desktop program icon...i experience a definite lag when the second command is getting executed. this should not happen with a quad and 2gb ram. any solutions?
a very old Dx6 card basically made for win9x os on a high-end combination of quad core and dx9 os... sure u deserve what u get.. try to get at least any dx9 low budget card preferably a pcie card to avoid such peformance drop in multitasking environment... cheers
^^^ right you need low end 6600 gt will be enough ot 7600 gs for hdmi

lol riva tune 64 mb is agp :S

if you are using on board graphical use it you can use muilt taker will work

or if you are gaming you can get 8800 gt then it should be fine for better futre proof