VMWare Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro are free for personal use

A little off topic but I've been looking into setting up a VM for old games... is there a significant difference in virtualbox vs vmware if just need to run win98 se?
A little off topic but I've been looking into setting up a VM for old games... is there a significant difference in virtualbox vs vmware if just need to run win98 se?
I used these to run an Ubuntu VM for general programming. Found VMware to be much more responsive graphically, almost felt native. the UI in the virtualbox VM was relatively sluggish. Not a significant difference but personally it bothered me, try both.
Parallels is the way to go for best graphics, and it's also the easiest to use.
Is this a reply to me? Hope not because I doubt running Prince of Persia and road rash is very demanding on the gpu.
I used these to run an Ubuntu VM for general programming. Found VMware to be much more responsive graphically, almost felt native. the UI in the virtualbox VM was relatively sluggish. Not a significant difference but personally it bothered me, try both.
Virtualbox mouse control does feel sluggish to me, but it's good enough for what I want it for I think. Gonna stick with this for now instead of wasting time trying vmware or parallels. Maybe later if the sluggishness causes issues with whatever I'm running on the vm.
Been using VMware workstation for 12+ years now by using a leaked volume license key, not my proudest moment but when you can't afford it...
I've tried Oracle VirtualBox as well, many times but VMware is just more polished all round. The best virtualization software ever.
Happy I can finally use it legally.
Yeah 98 se. I kinda wanted the old school look for a bit I guess. Also not sure if early 90s games are compatible with xp?
Google says that most are. Some sources say that there are patches for when stuff runs into issues. Personally haven't tried, so can't really ascertain it, but the general consensus is that Windows offers great backwards compatibility.

I guess if you get those games from the GOG store (if available), you'd not need to worry about any compatibility issues.