usenet question.


does anyone from here use this on a daily basis ?.

which ones offer the best speeds for accessing / posting binary groups ?. any freeones ?.

and finally does indian isp' provide access to them ? (vsnl used to have pretty useless news servers in the 2000's, don't know if they're operational now).
I am new to this and am using easynews..

it is filled with spam. waste of money.

I cannot find any useful information.

if u wanna try a usenet group u can use google groups to get the feel.

I don't think they have support for NNTP though.
I would suggest GIGANEWS ... its good for ppl who just want to explore the newsgropus for da first time

BTY the groups are free u just need a server to d/w the binary files .... Try n get a newsreader software like Agent..

also chk out slycks guide to newsgroups ..