Linux Ubuntu+Win 7 dual boot - Not able to access C Drive

So today I finally took the plunge and installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 on my Lenovo S10-3 Netbook. I kept Win 7 Starter edition intact - just in case. I allocated 30 GB out of 150 GB free on C Drive for creating the virtual drive for Ubuntu to be installed into. I used Wubi to do this install, as it does a 'virtual' install.

I'm stuck at just one place - how to access my C Drive contents? When I search for a particular file, the results throw it up just fine. However, when I browse through the 'File and Folders' menu, I dont see my C Drive! Please advise if I need to install any missing components?
in main menu in the left corner of the top panel > places > there would something on lines of "120GB Drive". If not then

click the main menu in the left corner of the top panel > places > home folder

when the home folder opens, scroll down in the left column and you should your drive