Linux Ubuntu Sound Quality


Hey .. I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 ..but i have noticed the sound quality is not very gud in it .. it crackles at high volumes ... whereas the sound quality of opensuse is very gud even at high volumes .. are there any tweaks we can do in ubuntu to make it better?
which application are you using? Try songbird for audio and VLC for video. If it's still the same problem should be with audio drivers. See if you can update the drivers but first, can you provide the mobo model number or the soundcard model number
If the sound crackles at high volumes but not low volumes, then try reducing to "low volume" in software.. then simply boost the external speaker volume... it could just be a gain/dB issue...

If you dont have external/hardware volume control in your speakers then try some ALSA/pulseaudio settings (i dont know what they are)...
my soundcard is something like microsoft hd audio .. the one which comes default on hp laptops.. i m facin this prob.. only on debian distros ..otherwise i get sound quality even at high volumes on mandriva , opensuse & fedora
I doubt its a sound card issue since he said its fine with other distros. I can think of only 3 problems:
1) the crackling sound due to power saving feature in karmic for which the solution is given before, but it should not happen at high volume alone
2) he is raising the volume beyond full :rofl: the pulseaudio shipped with karmic allows the volume to be boosted so I doubt if he is doing that :p
3) Buggy alsa driver for his card, best solution upgrade to latest version of alsa ;)
well there are plenty of users complaining about crackling on 9.10... so if the latest updates installed still dont fix it... then not sure what can be done other than switching to another distro or waiting for 10.04 :)
vishalrao said:
well there are plenty of users complaining about crackling on 9.10... so if the latest updates installed still dont fix it... then not sure what can be done other than switching to another distro or waiting for 10.04 :)

Nah, alsa upgrade should fix most of the issues, no need to hop distros for this :hap2:
yea, OP should also enable the "pre-released" and "unsupported" options in the software sources "updates" tab for better chances of getting more updates sooner.

or you can download and install alsa latest packages if the OP wants to...