The Contradictory Findings of Scientific Studies on Intermittent Fasting: Fresh new one claims that "It kills you"


Segment 1: It's good

i) This study from 2019 clearly suggests, "Intermittent Fasting can the reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases."


ii) Another study from 2020 suggests, "Intermittent fasting has been associated with improved outcome after a cardiac event."

Confirmed Once Again.png

Segment 2: It's catastrophic. It kills you.

i) 8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular "death".

ii) Among people already living with heart diseases, intermittent fasting increased the risk of death due to heart disease and stroke by 66%. -


iii) 'We were surprised': Intermittent fasting flagged as serious health risk.
  • Intermittent fasting did not decrease the overall risk of death from any cause.
  • For those living with cancer, an eating duration of 16 hours per day or more "lowered" the risk of cancer mortality.

Segment 3: It is not dangerous and is being blown out of proportion.

i) [Written by a Science Journalist] A study says intermittent fasting is making people drop dead. Oh, come on:

From a Science Journalist.png

ii) Research on intermittent fasting is mixed. Some studies say it is good. Some say it is not.


Who to believe then?
Who to believe then?
Hard for regular people to interpret these studies without a background in the subject, there are just too many variables. These studies are for the professionals in this field to read and come to a consensus, which can then be communicated to the general public. And the consensus is that nothing miraculous or catastrophic will happen if you just change the timing of when you eat.
Only the top 2-3 results are from scientific papers, rest are all from news papers. IMO, newspapers are good for spreading awareness, but it can be detremental, For many fields research is ongoing (As it should be, we never have all the answers, for all the conditions!).

Anyone who wants to try fasting - please do so, but make sure you are consuming enough water + not eating too quickly - for intermediate fasting it's better to have a window of 2-4 hours where you are eating your food. Good rule of thumb is to eat sufficient calories and try to hit as many micronutrients though diet rather than supplements.

Portion control + walks are also great way - went on a Goa trip for 1 week and put on 5 kgs (Went from 115 to 120) by portion control dropped it down to 117 in the week lol). Now going to gym with a gymrat friend of mine.
For me, intermittent fasting did not work. And this was for a period of 2-3 months. Intermittent fasting is not advisable for people having even a mild history of gastric ulcers, as not eating for a long period can exacerbate the issue, leading to more complications, which exactly happened in my case.

Instead I have experienced that what you eat and when you eat matters more than how you eat. For me, fully cutting down on sugar (except in food), eating majority of meals for breakfast and lunch, skipping junk, processed, spicy, fried, and fast foods, have worked wonders in making me feel energetic and lively. And not to mention, meditation and good quality of sleep in multiples of 1.5 hours (because of circadian rhythm and sleep cycles).

Simply follow a plan that works best for your body and you will do great.
Happy to see well researched western propaganda method of Intermittent fasting is failing now.
Any kind of fasting wont work if it's not associated with eating good balanced healthy food, before and after fasting.

Our Rishi/Munis/Yogi/Saint were more Abel to teach fasting method than those who won Nobel. Please look & read those books/literatures.
I'm 99% sure that this Nobel winner may have had same idea that our ancient books mentioned 1000 Years ago.
It doesn't mean I Disrespect to Nobel Winner's study & work.

For me, intermittent fasting did not work. And this was for a period of 2-3 months. Intermittent fasting is not advisable for people having even a mild history of gastric ulcers, as not eating for a long period can exacerbate the issue, leading to more complications, which exactly happened in my case.
I also have such gastric issue plus headache starts if trying for any kind of fasting
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Instead I have experienced that what you eat and when you eat matters more than how you eat. For me, fully cutting down on sugar (except in food), eating majority of meals for breakfast and lunch, skipping junk, processed, spicy, fried, and fast foods, have worked wonders in making me feel energetic and lively. And not to mention, meditation and good quality of sleep in multiples of 1.5 hours (because of circadian rhythm and sleep cycles).
I agree. While i too did IF for couple of months with no processed sugar/added sugar in any of the food i ate in that duration. i managed to bring down my weight by 14kg. I also use to Jog every alternate day for 5km. I later shifted to normal eating, ensuring a balance diet and avoid junk/fried/fast food. Once you see the results its helps to motivate yourself to stick to the plan. Last and most imp is the sleep (min 6-7 hrs).