The "Angry Nintendo Nerd"

Ck Nish

This guy is hilarious. He reviews the worst NES games. Even if you've never played any of these games or never owned an NES, this is still worth a watch. WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Friday the 13th

Roger Rabbit

Castlevania II

Top Gun

Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde

Mc Kids

The karate kid

Back to the future

Double Dragon III

Nightmare on Elm's street

Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu

Wally Bear and the NO gang

Nintendo's Power Glove

This also marks my 1000th post. Hurray for me!
The internet is filled with plenty like him, I've seen many of these smartass reviewers, but gotta' say they never get old!

There is another one like him for Wii games in a blog somewhere, infact even cornier, I'll try to get the link.