Suspicious external resource in SBI netbanking page



After about a week I opened SBI online banking page and saw little modified interface. I got alert.
Suddenly at the bottom of browser window I saw ''loading''! I had never observed that thing ever hence I did't log in.
Then I opened the firefox dev tool and checked GET/POST data for this domain.
Its GETting:
[rr] parameter value changes with each reload.
And reponses with some invalid data (attachement: response). itself responds with a blank page.
I checked domain info for and found it more doubtful.
The resource is not being directly called by html or javascript (I check the source of page, each js/css file).
Very probably some obfuscated js code is calling

I find it intrusive at a very wrong place and can compromise consumers security.
Even if SBI argues it could be for collecting user stats, for me its totally unacceptable.
They already collect a wealth of user stats (time/ip/activities/what not) after user logs in.

Are you also observing this thing loading when you open SBI netbanking login page?
Can it be anyway harmful?
I don;t think a bank can alllow such a shody thing on netbanking login page. Whats your view?


  • sbionline waiting for monstat.png
    sbionline waiting for monstat.png
    177.6 KB · Views: 296
  • response.png response.png
    129.5 KB · Views: 335
  • WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info - DomainTools.png WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info - DomainTools.png
    576.5 KB · Views: 275
Checking the page source shows this script:
    if(self == top) {      'block';  
    new Image().src=document.location.protocol+"//mon"+"sta"+""+"m/sbi.p"+"ng?du="+escape(document.location)+"&dr="+escape(document.referrer)+"&rr="+Math.random();

Can anyone make any sense out of it? I have zero knowledge about all these stuff.
Its safe. It has been years I have been loggin in simply to from browser.
Just make sure to checks if its Verified by Verisign.
Usually green colors appears before https:// and clicking on that you get the info.
Hmm Even I am getting this both in chrome and firefox, and am not sure if its malicious or not.

Can anyone make any sense out of it?
Its creating an image with the path: and its sending 3 things to the server the current: document URL ,the referrer URL and a random number.
So its probably not sending anything critical back to the server in this request. HOWEVER this text :

+ "//mon"+"sta"+""+"m/sbi.p"+

is super shady. They are clearly trying trying to hide their sitename .

Also it would be interesting to analyze the image they are sending to the browser (the sbi.png one), that could have shady stuff. The image isn't loading right now..
Could be malicious. Not sure... I'll try posting it to /r/asknetsec . The pros might have an answer.
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Checking the page source shows this script:
    if(self == top) {     'block'; 
    new Image().src=document.location.protocol+"//mon"+"sta"+""+"m/sbi.p"+"ng?du="+escape(document.location)+"&dr="+escape(document.referrer)+"&rr="+Math.random();

Can anyone make any sense out of it? I have zero knowledge about all these stuff.

The first if condition construct is typical frame buster code to stop the page from being loaded in iframes in order to prevent click-jacking attacks.
The second part might just be there as a tracking pixel just to register unique hits to the page.
I didn't find any of this in my chrome.Is it possible that your device has a malware?
For the last few days,i did observe that some card payments were not being done and it was giving a Failure error related Diffie-Hellman Key algorithm which is implemented for security reasons.No problems in net banking or accessing any accounts.
^^There is definitely a reference to the resource in the index HTML.

Regarding the errors you are facing, if you are using Chrome 45 you will not be able to connect to websites that have not mitigated the Logjam vulnerability. Chrome 45 requires DH key strength of 1024 bit or higher to be set on the server.
Wow,i checked it again,this time using console instead of view source.


I will raise this query in the e-learning session by SBI in August next month.
Also sent a mail right to the DGM of Customer Service @SBI for further verification and clarification about this.

^^There is definitely a reference to the resource in the index HTML.

Regarding the errors you are facing, if you are using Chrome 45 you will not be able to connect to websites that have not mitigated the Logjam vulnerability. Chrome 45 requires DH key strength of 1024 bit or higher to be set on the server.
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