Spread This Like Wild Fire

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There are some pakistanis who have started a community 'We Hate India' the main pic is of our National flag burning...looking at that any Indian's blood should BOIL...

We have to stop them. if you cant do much atleast go to this community and click on "Report as Bogus", orkut will remove that community after 1000 such reports,lets teach a lesson to members of that community. :mad:
orkut - Login

Please pass this 2 all Ur frnds

If India was a country with Internet Aware Govt we could have gotten Google to remove this immediately but since we dont, use: "Report as Bogus" option...
pakistani mullahs wiull never learn.
recently i saw this debate with students india-pak and surprisingly they support musharaf and also the way he treat things.
if u look a bit in PDF "pakistanidefenceforum . com" u'll see what 50% of peoples think and the hatred.
they says they can outnumber our IAF > IAF will take precisely 2 days to bomb em abck to stone age.and IAF pilots are best in world after UStop guns andIsraeli guys...
they says IN isnt effective but fact is within 2012 with 3 aircraft carriers, barak 2 anti missile system , brahmos and klub anti missile , @2*akula 2 class nuke sub + indias ATV and SHITLOADS OF BADASS STUFFS this is only 5%.... its best navy in asia and equal to Royal navy almost.

so just ignore it... :) they wont never learn becuz once i was in a discussion with them and asked them wht do uthink of hinduism, they said " islam is the only thing else all r bogus shity and stuffs and thts how a true one shud think" ... i told them hey if u think so "why do u protest when pope made his remarks, is it something like u wont RECOGNIZE another religion and we will have to recognize you? "
btw this mentality is not AMONG indian islamic ppls ....its just PAK they have nothing good to think.

they shud be secular ... this isnt 1500 ac.not all rlike this though a few who have no time just to curse on the internet :)
i already saw this on orkut and i already reported it.

its really sad to see how pathetic these paks are tht they have to resolve in petty cyber fights like this :|

jus goes to show wut kind of mentallity people have there..
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