Storage Solutions Sata + Pata Drive :Transfer Problems


I have just put together a new rig. A 3600+ & Jetway 690G + 1 Gig Ram. I am facing some major data transfer issues.For example , i could copy around 30 gigs from an exteral USB HDD to my Western Digital (200g) hdd in around 30 minutes.Since i have another pata drive (connected through IDE) it took me 40 minutes to move 4 gigs of data from the IDE to sata :(

Another sign of concern is while hasing files for say Strong DC , the application hashes at 1.5 MB/s , where as the normal hash-speed on my old school barton was about 30 MB/s/

Right now the boot up time has shot upto around 2 minutes :mad:
Infact i find the system sluggish compared to my older setup. Where do you guys think the problem lies ? Any assitance is appreciated.

The boot time with the pata disconnected stays the same, no improvement in performance. I mentioned it because i felt there was a connection between the two. The OS is installed on the SATA drive. Does this have anything to do with teh OS ? I have the XPSP2 installed.
Is it possible that either the SATA or the IDE cable is damaged? I used to have a major head-ache with my Neo4 Plat. Boot up was pathetic and so was file transfer.
In that situation I found that the SATA cable was bent far too much and was causing issues.
nukeu666 said:
google for DMA/PIO hdd problems

Hugs & a cookie for nuke :clap:

That was the problem , which has been solved. But hey , me and lady luck just dont get along.

I ran the VB script listed here ( Rebooted , tested the speeds all was well & good. The only other setting i changed was the computer name.And rebooted. And now all that happens is Reboot,Reboot,Reboot,...... The system reaches the windows loading screen , there is a flash of a blue screen but its momentary and i am no jedi.

I then decided , might as well reinstall windows xp. I have a vanilla xp cd. Now the drive is deteced as 200 GB in the POST. But during installation it shows up only as 131 gig drive, that too as a single partition.... i had created i believe 5 partitions & moved all my "critical data" onto the drive. A friend suggested that its due to the vanilla xp thing. I'll try to get hold of a sp2 disk and check out. In the mean time any other suggestions ?

It's unlikely that you did but did you convert the drive from FAT32 to NTFS? You might have selected a 512 byte cluster size which causes a lot of performance issues in NTFS. You need to select a cluster size of 4K.

I don't think WinXP has any issues with HDD sizes over 127GB. The NTFS file system is designed to handle large partitions. A good thing to do would be to delete all partitions and recreate them. Then format them using NTFS and a
4K cluster size.
Nah, i just created (NTFS) partitions using default windows manager. I will have a look regarding the cluster size. I did look up the problem & just would want to confirm that vanilla wont detect hdd over 130.
More trouble :(
Installed SP2 , detected the drive... but one of my partitions showed up as "Unpartitioned" so formatted them. Things were going alright ,right then i was moving some data from PATA to the SATA , in between , sytem hung and reverted to the earlier problem. i.e endless reboot. I will be trying out only sata configuration for a couple of days. I believe that the pata drive is dying , but regardless , can such a thing happen when moving say a corrupt data from a dying drive to a healthy one ?
Oh k. I think i may have narrowed down the problem. It is either the PSU or the CD-Rom drive. Usually the trouble crops up when i three devices connected at a time. i.e. 1)CD/RW 2)SATA 3)Pata .

Right now i am running on just Sata + Pata combo & its going *almost* fine. Just a few moments ago, the sata drive just disappeared off the radar , with a few clicking sounds.I understand clicking sound = near death ,but i have a feeling the drive is fine. Just re-booted , the data looks fine ,speeds are normal , no cliking sounds either. Damn i hate this. Will let you guys know in case i crack the case....