OC & Modding ram overclocking want suggestion ...URGENT


hi guys i am using a value series 800mhz ram

configuration: 400 mhz (6-6-6-18) 1.8v as cpuz shows

i want to underclock it to 333 mhz (5-5-5-15) as i want to overclock my processor naturally ram frequency increase should i have to increase voltage on underclocking it to 333mhz (cpuz shows it can run on 1.8v) at 333mhz ...

also how to set clock of rams on oc processor considering above mentioned ram

confuse how to set ram configuration please reply with full details that how to set ram configuration on overclocking processor

Eh? For now use loose timings i.e. current ones and select a lower memory multiplier than what is currently set (if on auto, change it to manual and select the lowest value. for eg. 2.0). Also, no need to touch DRAM voltage as of now.

Increase the FSB till you hit a wall/are happy with it. Post your BIOS memory/tweaking options if you require more help.
^^^i am using asus M4A78-EM/1394having 3 memory options i.e.

1. memory clock set-200-266-333-400-533mhz

2. memory timings- 2-3-4-5-6, 2-3-4-5-6, 2-3-4-5-6, 2-3-4-5-6, 8-9-10-11-12......24,

3. memory voltage - frm 1.85 to2.25v

i will post pic soon

when there is need to increase voltage of ram???

urgent help need please reply guys
^^ Keep timings @ stock

Lower Mem clock to 333MHz

Increase HT clock to 240, 280x13=3.64GHz

Don't exceed cpu vcore than 1.5V, that's the safe limit, although I've seen review sites pust 1.55V out of it, It's not recommended.
^^^u means remain timings on auto???
also no need to increase ram voltage????

For now reduce speed and keep voltages at stock and timings on auto. (or you can set 5-5-5-15 timings manually if you so wish)
at 5-5-5-15 ,333mhz on oc processor prime test is ok but sometime memory error comes !!!! and on just increasing ram a little more at 435 mhz its totally becomes unstable !!!!

just tell me all the frequencies that cpuz showing for rams is ram able to run on that ???

and on underclocking ram is there any need to overvoltage ram ..when there is need to increase voltage of ram???
at 5-5-5-15 ,333mhz on oc processor prime test is ok but sometime memory error comes !!!! and on just increasing ram a little more at 435 mhz its totally becomes unstable !!!!

just tell me all the frequencies that cpuz showing for rams is ram able to run on that ???

and on underclocking ram is there any need to overvoltage ram ..when there is need to increase voltage of ram???

RAM is unstable at 435? That means you have reached FSB limit on this board/chip. To go forward the mobo will need more juice, although if its chip limited, then 333 is all you're going to get. What's the multiplier on your processor? Did you get that picture yet?