CPU/Mobo Q6600 Temp\Vcore Query on G31m-S2L

Night Huntre

Tarturus callin
Hey Everyone Just To Start Of I Haven't Posted In A While .I Have Recently Gotten Myself A Q6600 G0 Stepping On G31m-S2L:p I Was Running At 3 GHz On The Stock Cooler Till i ran Real temp it showed me temps of around 67-69 on full load.

Now I've dropped it to 2.8 GHz. I am A Little Confused About The Temps Everest Shows The Temp As 45C At 100% Load, Where As Real Temp Hovers At 62-63C. Just Wanted To Know If These Were Normal.
I've ordered a Thermal Right Ultra 120 Extreme:eek:hyeah: Still Waiting on It.

I’ve dropped the Vcore to try and bring the temp down so need some advice as to which Temps are correct .
Any Info Would be really helpful.
I have q6600 abit ip35-e with true 120 running at 3ghz stock Volts. Did you try fo to 3ghz on stock volts? Every one I know can do 3ghz q6600 on stock volts. :p

Thermal paste is el cheapo one and its been a while but idle is 30-35 and load is 50-55 max. I have everest and that shows 40C as main cpu which is wrong but the cores are showing 25 25 20 20 which is about what I am getting with real temp.

That everest 42C is not the real deal. The cores 1,2,3,4 under it is what counts. Real temp is giving more accurate results.. And I can confirm this cause i have a Zalman temp monitor with a sensor on the true base which is showing 30C same as Real Temp so I'm happy.
I've got the Vcore at 1.22V from 1.325(Auto) it runs stable at 3ghz but temp reaches 70C.

Should i try to drop the Vcore again?

Right now using MX2 as the thermal Paste

what temps should i expect with a stock Heatsink?
Night Huntre said:
I've got the Vcore at 1.22V from 1.325(Auto) it runs stable at 3ghz but temp reaches 70C.

Your VID is 1.325 which means you will have temps on the higher side compared to other q6600 chips. get a external cooler asap.