PC Peripherals Problem with cordless Keyboard/Mouse


I have a strange problem with my cordless Logitech Keyboard/Mouse. The hardware is getting recognised but both are not working. Is this a MB problem or something to do with the KB and Mouse. I have tried 2 different sets but with the same result. Please help. Happens on all OSes.


-What motherboard is the receiver plugged into?

-Did you try different USB ports on the motherboard for plugging the receiver assuming the sole USB port must've gone conked!


-Did you try installing the drivers that came with the bundle although it's advertised plug-n-play?
In my desktop set, there is a small button under KB and mouse which needs to be pressed to sync with the receiver when you are using it for the first time. Try if you have something like that in yours too. Read manual :)

Thanks for your quick responses.

The motherboard I am using is the MSI P7N SLI Platinum. I have tried all the USB ports but all have resulted in failure. I am using XP and Vista on a dual booting system. Have also tried installing all the drivers contained within the CD that came with the set but still..... Nothing.

There are indeed buttons underneath the KB and Mouse and I have tried syncing numerous times with them but with no result.

Even the batteries were new. In fact, I bought a new KB/Mouse Combo thinking that my earlier one had conked off. But still no result.

Please help.