Petition To Stop Indian Railways Wasting Tax Payers Money on Windows.

greenhorn said:
I really do love linux, and I suppose when properly run by people who know it , should beat windows , but for those claiming it to be the panacea for all ills , should think twice.
This is all i am trying to say..
I hav had a similar/worst experience with many linux distros and i've tried many linux distros as i hav quoted previously..All these were in the last one year..
@praka-Dude i never said anything personal against you, please refrain from doing so again..This thing is going over the limits..AND if you want flame war, please do say so clearly..
Just cause you dont hav answers except linking to lame links saying the same things over and over again doesnt mean you start passing personal remarks..
It only shows that you dont hav anything concrete to say and i pity you..Trying as you are, your attempts are hopelessly bad at changing anything, cause you are taking the wrong route..Calling windows BAd wil maybe take you from 1% to 3%, but it wont change the story nor the fate of linux..:mad:
Understand that you arent marketing a product here..You are promoting an ideology, and even you CANNOT be above the rules of that ideology..I believe and i am sure that even u know that FOSS ideology doesnt include mud slinging and lame marketing gimmicks..Please dont take it soo low while pretending to promote it..

At the risk of repeating my self, i'd say here yet again, im no linux hater, even i'd like it to get better, until it gets better than windows, i see no reason to switch. Yes til then it wil only be limited to the whims of my curiosity..:no:
^you are! :p .you only started linking that FUD ! hence the reply.otherwise ,I should have left the thread. :| go through this thread. you are vehemently trying to portray Linux in a bad sense. :( pathetic yaarrr! I love peace.but guys like you ,who posts links from some troll's blog ! :mad:
Whats wrong with that? He was saying things against Linux and not You (unless YOU are linux, in which case, what he said is the least of your worries)
^well ,the thing is ,I hate FUDing GNU/Linux by these ppl ,you know.something we like and admire is portrayed as something bad ,you or me ,no difference will get your blood boil ! :|
praka123 said:
^well ,the thing is ,I hate FUDing GNU/Linux by these ppl ,you know.something we like and admire is portrayed as something bad ,you or me ,no difference will get your blood boil ! :|

well... i dunno if everyone else admires windows or whether their blood boils.. but i sure can say that they dont like you spreading FUD about windows.

ps-no one here admires windows.. they just use it coz its useful :bleh:
greenhorn said:
I really do love linux, and I suppose when properly run by people who know it , should beat windows , but for those claiming it to be the panacea for all ills , should think twice.
yep right said , linux is no "sanjeevani buti"

but linux is not that bad either.

infact in trained hands it can outperform any computing environment created till now(practically all supercomputes run linux)

though as any powerful thing , it is very inflammable in untrained hands.

problem begins when guys used to windows move on to it , and expect it to work in same way.

that's it.
that is the problem. they want same things , same "restore point"
same "safe mode"
same "control panel"

well guys if u wanted same things , then other things also come free with that
fragmenting disks
bloated registry/slower pc
temp files here and there.
etc etc.
I have been using Linux for the past 8 years (started with RedHat 6.0) as my preferred personal OS. I also code small useless scripts sometimes. At work I use Windows XP but I am constantly ssh'ing into the five linux servers I administer.
Here is what I think. Linux is on the desktop has a long way to go. Openoffice sucks. It looks like something that the 80's spat out. Mercifully most of my work doesn't involve heavily formatted documents, but for the few times that I do need to use it, I am known to scream a number of expletives. I usually default to Google Docs for my simplistic needs. Network Manager on Ubuntu sucks (YMMV). Plenty of annoying behaviour with wireless networks. Evolution email sucks (weird unintuitive behaviour at times like showing my emails starting from a weird date), hate thunderbird on both windows and linux (personal preference). For all the above flaws I make it a point to submit bug reports because I sincerely believe that they will be fixed.

On the other hand I absolutely LOVE the bash prompt. I can do lots with it and I thoroughly enjoy writing small scripts for mundane tasks. I enjoy troubleshooting as well and I like to work with large networks of linux computers.

I would never recommend linux to a non-geeky friend, because I know it'll come and bite me in the ass (support questions, "Why can't I play Crysis?"). I believe an OS is ready for the general, non-technical public when they don't have to care/worry about /etc/fstab, /etc/X11/xorg.conf and GRUB. Honestly, how many windows users even KNOW what the damn windows bootloader is called? (NTLoader, in case you were wondering).

Right now, let them run Vista so that any Tom, Dick or Harish can quickly come over and fix the BSODs (if applicable).

I'm a Fedora fan for the record.
praka123 said:
^well ,the thing is ,I hate FUDing GNU/Linux by these ppl ,you know.something we like and admire is portrayed as something bad ,you or me ,no difference will get your blood boil ! :|
There lies your problem..Every software has its own quirks..If you think linux doesnt have any, then you are just plain ignorant..And thats why you think everyone is portraying linux as something bad..
Hmmm guys, any *good* links for TCO studies?

I don't won't personal opinions but a solid study by a neutral third-party.

Windows does have it use, Word PPT rock :) So does the gaming.

Use whatever best suits your purpose, no need to fight.
cool_boy4ua said:
Stability factor in Linux is questionable,It needs more improvements.

like webservers running for years on GNU/Linux isnt enough?:bleh:

^first of all webservers and mission critical apps are not running on X server or Gnome or kde as you expected seeing some Linux distro.


The problem is ,still the average windows user want to compare linux as something inferior.the name of bash/CLI means it is meant to be geeky ?

First ,the "average mojave" guy should grow up appreciating community work like GNU/Linux.they should not try to bring it down.

Linux is world's may be 2nd stablest Operating System ever seen. - not a flamebait kiddo's !reality!

first is ofcourse openbsd/freeBSD !

UNIX like systems are more than 30+ old.infact ,Linux or BSD ,they all implemented the same *nix technic securely.(unlike os X ,which used suid bits a lot to make "user friendly").

The problem with majority of you people are ,you are ignorant of GNU/Linux.But ,that doesnt make Linux inferior peeps!

vista admit it - was a flop ,which M$ cannot bear.

as most of the ppl here are gamers ,they expect window$ is the best <----- there lies the problem. Windows is good for gaming and soho usage(I meant XP only ,considering vista as a flop).your gaming interest means you are locked inside windows xp may dont want to accept other better platforms.

GNU/Linux powers internet *almost* completely ! live with it ! GNU/Linux is very much superior to windows - learn it ! dont get insecure reading this! *NIX pwns DOS anyday :D !

Even ,OUR TECHENCLAVE IS RUNNING ON GNU/Linux ! dont panic my window$ friends ! :D

Netcraft What's That Site Running Results

even Vishal Gupta's or microsoft owned merawindow$ forum(now changed to M$ server) -runs on Linux !thats the thing my dear gamer(gamers normally are bind to windows ,thus lacking GK)

ROFL! even is hosted on Linux my dear window$ gamer.

Why Linux is better ? It is obvious.kernel wise or application wise(except killer apps like cad, ps etc). bite it .

I never said you to move to must wine about how Linux is geeky and all Linux users too. :E
Shelly the republican -worlds stupidest anti-FOSS/Linux FUD blog :rofl: .many of the desperate moves from monger remind me of the same.

read the posts and die laughing !:tongue:


sample dose:

This poor creature is being tortured by the Ubuntu testing team: They want to know if it will have the same harmful effect on beasts as it does on humans. The answer: Yes

OMG ! OMG!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

^this site thing may be already posted here?
You're doing it again. You're telling everyone they use a sucky OS and you imply they're stupid because of that. Other Linux users who've posted in this thread haven't even brought that up. They've put forward many valid sensible points on the topic being discussed.

"kiddo's, M$ , Window$, Gate$, vista as a flop, dont want to accept, dont panic, merawindow$, window$ gamer, bite it, wine, fanboys getting panicked" - Don't you think at 29, its time to grow up? You're turning every thread into a flame war.

From your sig, I have a hunch that you've been banned on other forums. Why am I not surprised :rofl:

prakash, seriously dude, there are many ways to further the open source cause, but trolling on forums is not one of them. You're just ruining whatever goodwill people have.

Over akkalle, please

Everyone else ,


Please dont feed the trolls
main_trouble said:

was it an attempted joke?

what do you mean by attempted joke???This is very much true Linux is not stable as compared to windows. Drivers sucks,,Gaming sucks,Internet Exploring sucks , Multimedia with unique drivers sucks.why we forced to use plain drivers for High end sound cards. what else you want to be .....Try to understand the comments before considering it joke.Open a new Thread to Vote for stability and Multimedia experience of Linux among 31,063 users of TE,you will figure out the truth.why you are taking Linux as your personal property???How you belongs to Linux ??Only a user???
cool_boy4ua, what he meant that , in an ideal case( like servers) , linux's stability is far superior to Windows especially on uptime. Windows servers have to be rebooted on at least patch tuesday.

In the home /desktop environment. linux might be a bit vulnerable to bad drivers and us noobs , but a properly run linux system is more stable than a properly run windows system

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cool_boy4ua said:
what do you mean by attempted joke???This is very much true Linux is not stable as compared to windows. Drivers sucks,,Gaming sucks,Internet Exploring sucks , Multimedia with unique drivers sucks.why we forced to use plain drivers for High end sound cards. what else you want to be .....Try to understand the comments before considering it joke.Open a new Thread to Vote for stability and Multimedia experience of Linux among 31,063 users of TE,you will figure out the truth.why you are taking Linux as your personal property???How you belongs to Linux ??Only a user???

How much time have u used linux for ? If you don't have games and eye candy working that doesn't mean its less stable than windows . For server usage. linux is very very stable and is much preferable than windows for dedicated servers . Do you really want indian railways guys having full multimedia experience with high end gaming on servers ? Not to forget high end sound cards . See the question of the thread , it's not linux vs windows for a MULTIMEDIA usage but dedicated systems which will be responsible for millions of people traveling everyday . Can you back up your point that windows is more stable than linux ?
The people who hate Vista were actually very happy about Microsoft's latest project 'mojave' . What it tells you is that people blindly go with what others say seldom trying to find out the facts themselves. Whats more they go on to ridicule people who do not side with them.

The whole fanboy era was started by GPU companies who started paying forum members to promote their brand/product. The viral infection has spread and people are doing the same thing for free making a fool of themselves on the internet.

There is so much going on in this country which majority of the population doesn't care about. This matter in comparison is of least importance, let Microsoft and Opensource organizations slug it out.
cool_boy4ua said:
what do you mean by attempted joke???T. Drivers sucks,,Gaming sucks,Internet Exploring sucks , Multimedia with unique drivers sucks.why we forced to use plain drivers for High end sound cards. what else you want to be .....Try to understand the comments before considering it joke.Open a new Thread to Vote for stability and Multimedia experience of Linux among 31,063 users of TE,you will figure out the truth.why you are taking Linux as your personal property???How you belongs to Linux ??Only a user???
ok , so that was an attempted joke.

dude the sentence "this is very much true Linux is not stable as compared to windows" can ruin any body's reputation .

and internet exploring sucks

dude ever tried firefox?
top servers/supercomputers/mission critical systems(nasa) all run linux.
linux servers offer huge uptimes.
and yes u pointed out grafix/multimedia and drivers.
only vista supports dx10.and that is really crucial for railways.we need to have a 3-d railway ticket rendered to perfection by a dx10 capable gpu:eek:hyeah:

so i vote for windows vista ultimate for indian railways for following reasons.
best grafix
best sound
high end drivers for high end cards
dx 10 gaming