Nokia N8 Thread

At this point buying N8 is pointless. I am sure there will be exodus of folks working on Symbian, QT and Meego. On short term this will be a bag of hurt for nokia.

Elop will take down Nokia for sure.
Ditching Symbian can work for Nokia but embracing Win phone will screw them bad and worse.
I dont think the support for Sym^3 will stop for atleast next 3-4 years as Nokia has just launched E7 with the same OS.
It can also happen that Nokia will comeup with Sym^4 which is nothing but customized win phone OS with the symbian skin.
Or it may happen the other way also.... Win phone next version may be Win phone 8 but under the hood it can be just Sym^4.
Its too early to come to conclusions.... so lets wait n watch and till then enjoy our N8 :)
the PR1.1 seems working good for me except that I had to re install few applications again as they were leaking memory. Like the Angry Birds and Nimbuzz.
There seems one update available today as "Quick Search Update" roughly 1.26MB in size...

Guys... no reply for almost a week??? Is this thread dead??
This thread is dead like N8. main purpose is to educate buyers interested in N8. but after winpho shift, one cannot recommend N8. Camera is great but that alone should not influence a 20K+ buy.

I wonder how are N8 sales going post the announcement?
Actually its only techies like us who bother so much abt OS and underlying technologies....

The sales may not be affected currently as the model is still hot....

Later Nokia itself will start to regulate the stock and quietly phase it away...

So as of now this news may have no or very negligible news in the retail market...
Having actually spoken to Elop after the Nokia event at MWC , Symbian is not going anywhere for now.. you can expect it to be phased out by 2013 or so and the new UI looks sweet.

Also onlyravi is correct , the sales for the model are continuously increasing in India. The model is sold out in several cities !
Hmm.. well that is true for any platform. You gotta agree though that the flexibility which you get with Nokia phones esp the N8 is missing from pretty much any other device manufacturers portfolio..
@dhruvrock2000 : U actually went there for the MWC??? Please post a link to your album buddy.. would like to see what all you saw there... also keep us posted on what all new things are in store for Sym^3. (a blog post maybe :) )

And to all who think Symbian is dead... well it surely isn't... Sym^3 is pretty new and fresh and Nokia wont leave it too soon.... They cant afford to lose out on the vast community of symbian developers and also lose on the immense mkt share that this OS has given then over the years.....
Its like replacing your lovers heart with someone else's and see if the love is same.... big riskk :D
RVK2488 said:

were you there for developer day too? I heard they were giving away E7/N8 to attendants

Yea they were giving free E7s . I was registered for it... (I'm a registered Symbian and MeeGo developer) but couldn't go due to blogging duties :)
dhruvrock2000 said:
Yea they were giving free E7s . I was registered for it... (I'm a registered Symbian and MeeGo developer) but couldn't go due to blogging duties :)

blogging duties??? :mad: we are talking about e7 :no:

just kidding :p but I really like the e7 design. add to that CBD 4" + that awesome keyboard..!!
wish I could buy it...but saving money for MeeGo device. Any idea about when its gonna be released?
MeeGo device would be towards end of the year... and i personally prefer the N8 << Love that camera ! >>

E7 is pretty cool.. i've had some extensive hands on with the device ans i believe it is very good for someone who really has to send out a LOT of emails.
I thought it was supposed to automaticall install the components. Atleast that's what happened when I installed Decibel Meter.