Newbie to streaming


Hi all,
I am someone's Grandma, who has fallen thru the computer cracks. For almost 30 years, I have collected PC proggies, games mostly, since the TI was first out, having some still on 5 1/4 floppies....BUT!!! I am trying to inch my way into the 'new age' and learn this streaming, DVD stuff, so that I can save my discs from further annihilation, courtesy of my small, but well meaning grandkids! Now that the DVR is the state of video recording, I am working hard on compiling, editing, etc., all the movies, TV shows, etc. that I can. Part of my problem is getting the programs from the streaming TV to my integrated PC Media needs to be with closed captioning, for the hearing impaired, as well.

So, here I am, in this forum, found through scanning the web for help, looking at any and all suggestions, and new techniques. I have built my own systems since the 8088 and still can manage most of it, but the high tech stuff, like over clocking, etc. I have 4 generations of computers, 3 versions of Windows, an old MAC I don't use, and am about to embark on the road to UBUNTU, as I have read that it works better for what I am trying to do.

Enough rambling from me, and thanks for the chance to pick E1's brains here.:thanx: