Audio New Audiophile -Pls HELP


Mar 10, 2009
hi friends-i am new audiophilie(but have been reading all ur threads and forums from a long time) and i have no idea about audio components and its working and all.So,please help me to enrich my knowledge by answering some of my quetions and by giving other necesarry basic informations.

1.what's the use of amplifiers?do we also require amplifier with earphones or headphones ?if yes then when

2.what do u mean by IEMs(read many time in ur forum.)

3.what's the meaning of Modding?and when do we require it.


May 20, 2009
ami_07 said:
1.what's the use of amplifiers?do we also require amplifier with earphones or headphones ?if yes then when

Amplifier as the name implied is used to amplify audio signal.

Amplifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you may or may not need an amplifier for a headphone depending upon its efficiency and impedance.

Earphones: 16 Ohm v/s 32 ohm... Any difference? - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio

Apart from that fact headphones do improve the sound quality of any headphone compared to listening directly through the source component(CD player or a PC sound card)

ami_07 said:
2.what do u mean by IEMs(read many time in ur forum.)

IN EAR MONITORS, which is nothing but an in ear earphone which might have a neutral sound and used for audio monitoring purpose.

In-ear monitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ami_07 said:
3.what's the meaning of Modding?and when do we require it.

Modding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you require it? depends upon how much in depth knowledge you have about a particular piece of object that you gonna mod, also if you are aware of what you want to achieve(the outcome) out of the mod.

Hope this helps.
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Jan 3, 2010
From one total newbie to another. So, if there's anything wrong, experts will fix it :)

ami_07 said:
1.what's the use of amplifiers?do we also require amplifier with earphones or headphones ?if yes then when

Amps are required to fill the gaps so to speak.

If your headphone / IEM is powerful and your music player is not so powerful, an amp would be required. If you are using a Sennheiser HD-600 with a portable player, you would still enjoy music. But, you are not getting the full power and range of the headphones. In that case, an amplifier would certainly help.

Another kind of use would be to boost certain things up. For example, pairing even a Fiio E5 (with Bass Boost on) with RE0 would improve the bass of RE0.

Amps do not just "amplify". They can enhance the sound and provide more clarity. Headphones Amps vary from the el cheapo, still good-o Fiio E5 to setups costing 1000 dollars or more.

It's my belief that until you hear a better setup, you will not miss anything with your current setup even though it may be considered a basic / inferior gear (and do not go to head-fi :D)

ami_07 said:
2.what do u mean by IEMs(read many time in ur forum.)

IEMs are In Ear Monitors or canal phones. The Canal phones are inserted into the ear canal. This way, they can block out or muffle most of the outside noise.

I can go on about IEMs, but that would make this post too long :p

More can be read here: Etymotic Research

ami_07 said:
3.what's the meaning of Modding?and when do we require it.

Modding, as I understand is to change the characteristics of a component by adding/removing parts.

Assuming I am right about the definition.....

  • Ear Clip headphones (worn on the ear with the help of a clip) are notorious for being either painful to wear for long periods or become "useless" after the clip gets broken. In such cases, people buy a cheap neck band or headphone and change it into something wearable. But, I do not know if this can be called "modding" :bleh:
  • Some headphones are very similar except a small bit. HD-555s can be modded to sound like HD-595 by removing a foam. The retail price for HD-555 is $170 and HD-595 is $330 (though they are cheaper now). Read about the mod here: Head-Fi Silk Purse Project
  • By changing opAmps, tube amplifers can sound different.


Mar 27, 2005
nice replies, thank you. I have always found myself between the chicken & egg problem, which in this context is 'do you become audiophile first, or do you get the knowledge & gears first'. :p


Jan 3, 2010
dragonball said:
nice replies, thank you. I have always found myself between the chicken & egg problem, which in this context is 'do you become audiophile first, or do you get the knowledge & gears first'. :p

You can be a gear owner without being an audiophile, but not an audiophile without knowledge and gears :p


Mar 27, 2005
@esanthosh: i dont agree. what if the audiophile is a poor person or a person like ami_07 - a 'new audiophile' who is just starting? What if he enjoys music on his friends' high end systems?


Jan 3, 2010
dragonball said:
@esanthosh: i dont agree. what if the audiophile is a poor person or a person like ami_07 - a 'new audiophile' who is just starting? What if he enjoys music on his friends' high end systems?

In that case, the best job for an Audiophile is to become a reviewer :D (or land a job in a recording studio)

It also depends on how you consider one as an audiophile. Wiki defines an audiophile as "from Latin audio[1] "I hear" and Greek philos[2] "loving," is a hobbyist who seeks high-quality audio reproduction via the use of non-mass-produced high-end audio electronics"

Enjoying music and being an Audiophile are two different issues, IMHO. To enjoy music, one only needs to just have "good ears" and taste in music. We listen, audiophiles analytically and critically listen - I think therein lies a difference.

Audiophiles, if I could define them by what I read in Head-fi and other forums, are not only concerned with the "enjoyment" part, but also step up a bit and dissect what they hear. We at most times are concerned with the feel of the music. But an audiophile, I think, is concerned with the technicalities of listening. No doubt, an audiophile is also a good attentive listener who enjoys music. But, we tend to stop with the best we can get, whereas an audiophile would search for that extra something - Singer breathing, a cymbal crash, that minor lower frequency impact - and in accordance with his taste, dives a little deep. We talk in terms of artists and songs. An audiophile would take it to the next level and talk in terms of frequencies, sound stage, imaging, sonic characteristics, coloration etc., of the equipment that produces it.

Most audiophiles start a simple life - wondering why people spend so much on "stuff". Later, they start as budget-fis and once they get their feet wet, all they could think of is the next better (though not necessarily the costlier) upgrade. It is not necessarily the "show off" mentality, but the sheer joy of listening the same music better. As long as disposable cash is available, I am sure many would end up in a vicious cycle of upgrades.

Once you get a good headphone, you need an Amp to drive it, which then reveals that your 128kbps rips do not cut it any more and so you get to re-rip your music in FLACs and 320 kbps MP3s. You hear that modding the headphone and upgrading the cables could make them durable and better sounding. Later, you change the opamps to change the sound signature to suit you. But then again, you worry that the inter-connect between Headphone Amp and the source may be the weakest link and you upgrade it to a custom cable. ......and life goes on.....:ashamed: (BTW, that does not describe me, yet :p)

I may be totally wrong in how I perceive an audiophile, since I have no experience in being one :)


Analog Vibes
Apr 29, 2006
^ Very well put :). Audiophile term is overated ,IMO. It could have a different meaning to different people as you have explained.

Head-fi and other audio forums usually describe the audiophiles as the one's who keep tinkering with their gear ,the one's who spend more time deciding their gear , and organizing ,tweaking it then actually listening to it .

For me audiophile is a person who loves his music ,and has a sound ear for music .Someone who can appreciate Quality Audio and notice the difference between different levels of audio gear.It need not be ultra high end expensive gear .Now a days lot of audiophile grade equipment is available for reasonable prices.

An audiophile is similar to the hardware enthusiasts we have on TE .Just that audiophiles are enthusiastic about their music and audio gear :D.