PC Peripherals Need ur Help in building rig guys


Hi guys ,

I need your suggestions regarding the following config .

E6750 or E4400

Xfx 650i or Asus P5n E SLI (650i one ).

2*1 Gb Kingston ram

Cool Master 600w power supply

XFX 8600 GT

Creative Xfi Platinum .

Cabinet and misc stuff.

I am really confused wether to go for e6750 or e4400 ,as I will be not upgrading for a another 1 1/2 yrs. I feel the e4400 will be suffice for 8600 GT . Then planning to upgrade the graphic when the Nvidia 9xx series cards hit the market . will the 9xx series cards run on e4400 ? .

Please help me out .:(

Any more suggestions regarding the rig are welcome? :)

will be building next saturday.
Get the E6750.

And yes, 9xxx series nVidia cards will work on any PCI-Express motherboard.

Although, I'd suggest you get a better PSU if you're going in for the higher end 9xxx series cards.
^^ he didn't ask whether they 'd run on the mobo :p but 'll e4400 bottleneck them... ...

i guess if 9800 GTS or something is in ur mind... they will...
^^ Not if you crank up the settings, with full AA and Transparency AA et the likes, hell even a stock X2 3600 and a E6750 will perform the same at 2mbit resolutions.. ;)
Aces170 said:
^^ Not if you crank up the settings, with full AA and Transparency AA et the likes, hell even a stock X2 3600 and a E6750 will perform the same at 2mbit resolutions.. ;)

He is right I bought AMD X2 3600+ last week along with 8800GTS.I tried games like HL2: E1 , Oblivion, Prey,STALKER,Company of Heroes with max AA & AF with all settings high on 1280 x 1024 resolution and games run smoothly without bottlenecking my 8800GTS card.So I suggest u to go for either AMD 3600+ and on Intel side go for e4300 ( not e4400) bcouz they overclock better.Save ur for cash now.And overclock them abit n enjoy.For ur info 8800 series require 2.4 ghz processor anything below it will bottleneck the card abit.
Thanks Guys for your comments

TehDevil said:
LOL, my mistake, sorry. :rofl:

Yeah, I think E4400 @ stock will bottleneck the 9xxx cards to some extent.

Running E4400 on stock is like being stranded with a beautiful n sexy girl on a island and doing nothing.:p

By March 08 ,X38 board will have hit the market ,DDR3 will become affordable and nVidia 9XX Graphic card series as well as true Quad cores will be available.

So thought that as well save some cash n upgrade the whole system.

Damn ,I am starting to hate intel now. :mad: