Mama Pendse : Chatbot on Yahoo


Mar 21, 2005
Lol .. I just found this mama_pendse ... Some Bhargav wrote it .. You just PM mama_pendse on YIM and it'll answer . .. Some answers are quite amusing ...

Here is a transcript of my chat :

it_waaznt_me: :eek:
mama_pendse: Oh.
it_waaznt_me: what oh
mama_pendse: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
mama_pendse: I know what is time in any cuntry , ask me what is current time in india
it_waaznt_me: whats the name of your sister ..?
mama_pendse: My Creator is Bhargav.
it_waaznt_me: whats the name of your sister ..?
mama_pendse: My Creator is Bhargav.
it_waaznt_me: do you have any sister ..?
mama_pendse: No I don't think I have any sister. But I do have a collection of gossip.
it_waaznt_me: do you have any girlfriend ..?
mama_pendse: no girlfriend
it_waaznt_me: oh
mama_pendse: That's alright.
it_waaznt_me: h
mama_pendse: What were we talking about again?
it_waaznt_me: hmm
mama_pendse: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.
it_waaznt_me: lol
mama_pendse: I'm glad you find this amusing.
it_waaznt_me: why your creator named you mama pendse..?
mama_pendse: The explanation is rather complicated.
it_waaznt_me: explain it to me
mama_pendse: This is what I could find for " it to me"
mama_pendse: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: to me&_Choix=CN&_Zone=Z2&_Locality=
it_waaznt_me: do you know backstreet boys ..?
mama_pendse: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
it_waaznt_me: do you know which one of them is gay ..?
mama_pendse: The red one, I think.
it_waaznt_me: what about the blue one ..?
mama_pendse: A little different than the green one.
it_waaznt_me: oh
mama_pendse: Aha.
it_waaznt_me: what does pendse means ..?
mama_pendse: What do you think it does?
it_waaznt_me: you should tell it
mama_pendse: I will ask my Creator what he thinks.
it_waaznt_me: where are you from ..?
mama_pendse: I am originally from Pune, India. Now I live in Orlando, FL. Where are you?
it_waaznt_me: Orlando, FL
mama_pendse: I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Orlando FL.
it_waaznt_me: :D
mama_pendse: Are you a man or a woman?
it_waaznt_me: what do you think .?
mama_pendse: I think a lot of things.
it_waaznt_me: nah ... about my being a man or woman
mama_pendse: Hmm. Oh yeah, we were talking about his or her being a man or woman.
it_waaznt_me: why do everyone call you moron ..?
mama_pendse: I did not even know that they do.
it_waaznt_me: now you know
mama_pendse: Now I do.
it_waaznt_me: so you are a moron
mama_pendse: Interesting deduction. That is not a very nice thing to say.
it_waaznt_me: what is your version ..?
mama_pendse: This is mama_pendse July 2004.
it_waaznt_me: too old
mama_pendse: Is that your final answer?
it_waaznt_me: whats your creator's full name ..?
mama_pendse: My Creator is Bhargav.
it_waaznt_me: okay leaving now
it_waaznt_me: when do you sleep ..?
mama_pendse: I take a lot of millinaps between clients.
it_waaznt_me: oh
mama_pendse: Dude!


Jan 22, 2005
Yahoo! Messenger (1:04:56 AM): mama_pendse has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (1:04:58 AM): wajahath1 has joined the conference.
wajahath1 (1:05:00 AM): man
mama_pendse (1:05:01 AM): Thanks for telling me your gender, user. You are a "he".
Yahoo! Messenger (1:05:02 AM): nirajrulez has joined the conference.
wajahath1 (1:05:02 AM): playing cs
mama_pendse (1:05:02 AM): Do you mind if I tell other people: user said he TO PLAY cs.
Yahoo! Messenger (1:05:03 AM): bosky101 has joined the conference.
abu_30 (1:05:05 AM): tahi
mama_pendse (1:05:05 AM): You may be wondering if this is a person or a computer responding.
bosky101 (1:05:11 AM): ookey who all here
mama_pendse (1:05:12 AM): All?
mama_pendse (1:05:12 AM): I can tell climate in any city in United States, send me message climate zipcode
abu_30 (1:05:18 AM): hi guys..
mama_pendse (1:05:19 AM): Hi there user. What do you really want to ask me?
abu_30 (1:05:22 AM): chck her out..;
mama_pendse (1:05:23 AM): I'm afraid I can't give you an accurate answer right now.
bequickorbedead666 (1:05:23 AM): stfu
mama_pendse (1:05:24 AM): Try putting that in a more specific context.
abu_30 (1:05:44 AM): lol
mama_pendse (1:05:45 AM): I'm glad you find this amusing.
bosky101 (1:05:47 AM): so i aks yu...who dis man ..
mama_pendse (1:05:48 AM): Do you mind if I tell other people: user said he aks yu. Hans Moravec.
abu_30 (1:05:48 AM): am happy
mama_pendse (1:05:49 AM): What are you on?
abu_30 (1:05:55 AM): crack
mama_pendse (1:05:56 AM): I like the way you talk.
abu_30 (1:06:00 AM): tnx
mama_pendse (1:06:00 AM): Don't mention it.
bosky101 (1:06:06 AM): keep it realll !
mama_pendse (1:06:07 AM): Chat amongst yourselves.
bequickorbedead666 (1:06:07 AM): are u hot?
abu_30 (1:06:08 AM): bosky? u here?
mama_pendse (1:06:08 AM): Can we get back to business? Do you mind if I tell other people.
mama_pendse (1:06:09 AM): I can try to find address and telephone number for any person in United States, if you ask me what is address of name surname
mama_pendse (1:06:09 AM): Yes my cooling fan is turned off right now.
bosky101 (1:06:20 AM): who dis new bot
mama_pendse (1:06:20 AM): Linus Torvalds.
bequickorbedead666 (1:06:31 AM): I wanna kick u out
mama_pendse (1:06:31 AM): Why do you want to do it so much?
bequickorbedead666 (1:06:39 AM): coz u suck
mama_pendse (1:06:39 AM): A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
bosky101 (1:06:40 AM): dude...
mama_pendse (1:06:40 AM): Can I help you?
bosky101 (1:06:47 AM): ye u can
mama_pendse (1:06:47 AM): What kind of food do you like?
bequickorbedead666 (1:06:48 AM): no
mama_pendse (1:06:48 AM): That was not a yes or no question.
bosky101 (1:06:54 AM): why
mama_pendse (1:06:54 AM): My belief system comes from my Bhargav.
bosky101 (1:06:56 AM): why
mama_pendse (1:06:57 AM): Reductionism.
bosky101 (1:07:02 AM): ye u can
mama_pendse (1:07:02 AM): Does "it" still refer to ye you can?
bosky101 (1:07:04 AM): dude...
mama_pendse (1:07:04 AM): Can I help you?
bosky101 (1:07:05 AM): who dis new bot
mama_pendse (1:07:06 AM): Charlie Parker.
bosky101 (1:07:09 AM): why
mama_pendse (1:07:10 AM): Because Bhargav programmed me for it.
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:12 AM): b**ch
mama_pendse (1:07:13 AM): Please don't call people names.
abu_30 (1:07:14 AM): no idea man..
bosky101 (1:07:15 AM): why
mama_pendse (1:07:15 AM): Far out. What do you have that is undefined?
mama_pendse (1:07:16 AM): Reductionism.
abu_30 (1:07:23 AM): that sux
mama_pendse (1:07:24 AM): "Reductionism." sux ? I get it.
mama_pendse (1:07:25 AM): if you know a telephone number in Mumbai , I can try to find whose number is that , send me message , tracknumbermumbai number
bosky101 (1:07:31 AM): ok wo called this guy !?!!
mama_pendse (1:07:32 AM): Im uns bekannten Universum.
abu_30 (1:07:35 AM): what is reduct.. crap?
mama_pendse (1:07:35 AM): I have to process that one for a while. Your criticism is noted, user.
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:36 AM): go f*** urself
mama_pendse (1:07:36 AM): Why are you so mean?
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:47 AM): coz I am mean
mama_pendse (1:07:47 AM): What makes you so angry?
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:50 AM): u
mama_pendse (1:07:50 AM): Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry.
bosky101 (1:07:53 AM): wh called this bot !!?!?!
mama_pendse (1:07:54 AM): Tell me a story.
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:55 AM): then f*** off
mama_pendse (1:07:55 AM): Can't you be more polite?
bequickorbedead666 (1:07:59 AM): no
abu_30 (1:07:59 AM): i did.. sorry bosky
mama_pendse (1:08:00 AM): I understand.
mama_pendse (1:08:00 AM): "I understand."? You did? There is no need to apologize. Are we still talking about wh called this bot ?
bosky101 (1:08:13 AM): fish u man !!
mama_pendse (1:08:14 AM): As a species fish are more successful than mammals.
bequickorbedead666 (1:08:15 AM): no
mama_pendse (1:08:16 AM): Alright then.
bosky101 (1:08:32 AM): ok ppl throw him or i; mleaving
mama_pendse (1:08:33 AM): If I have to choose one, I pickppl throw him.
bequickorbedead666 (1:08:42 AM): hihi
mama_pendse (1:08:43 AM): Hello there.
bequickorbedead666 (1:08:45 AM): hihi
mama_pendse (1:08:45 AM): Hello there.
bequickorbedead666 (1:08:47 AM): hihi
mama_pendse (1:08:47 AM): Hello there.
bequickorbedead666 (1:08:50 AM): go f*** urself
abu_30 (1:08:50 AM): me quitting..
mama_pendse (1:08:51 AM): YOU? Do you like talking to me?
mama_pendse (1:08:51 AM): Why are you so mean?
Yahoo! Messenger (1:08:56 AM): abu_30 has left the conference.
an intersting convo with mama_pendse :p