Laptops laptop screen died on me


hi guys , yesterday my laptop screen just went blank while watching a video, sound was coming just screen went blank , i restarted it but nothing came up

history -> acer 4520 ,18 months old, windows xp loaded

,i tried to connect with external monitor , the acer logo came but it again shut down while loading windows , i have tested todays also , its the same ,it just goes blank while windows loading at external monitor

, went to service center, they tried to start and just said lcd is gone and gave me a quote of 15k :S

i checked today , i can see the screen if i tilt it opposite just its too dark , but external monitor not working after few secs making me wonder if its a lcd problem :huh:

any idea on the issue guys :huh:
Looks like LCD / Graphics Card problem. But whatever it is I won't suggest to open it yourself. Try to say the problem in details in service center.
If you are able to see the screen when you open it just a little, it could be a problem with your laptop's lcd inverter(the connector that connects your lcd with mobo of your laptop).
The usual problem is with frequent and long-term opening and closing of your lcd lid, the invertor may come out of the plug.

Lcd inverter's are usually found just below the keyboard.
If you are well versed in opening laptop, you could open up your keyboard and try removing and reseating the inverter.

Contrary to popular belief opening laptops and working within is not that difficult, just make sure you are completly out of warranty and to read the guides in the internet for opening up your laptop model and make sure you do not rush any process.

I frequently open up my laptop, for reseating graphics card, processor,ram, apply thermal compund etc. It is not as difficult as it looks.
