Storage Solutions Is this HDD damaged?


This windows 7 laptop started showing boot errors. Sometimes it would boot fine, so I think the issue may be with HDDs.

Following is health status in HD Tune Pro


Any other diagnostic tools I should run and report them here? And anyway to fix these errors or HDD is damaged beyond repair?
Hard disks have spare sectors. A reallocated sector count implies that bad sectors were detected and marked bad and that address was remapped to the spare sector area. A few bad sectors are not a problem, but if it increases rapidly it indicates the drive is failing.

The interface error part is tricky since there's no user replaceable cable in a laptop. Try removing and re-inserting the drive to see if it helps. Run a quick crystaldiskmark benchie to see if speeds are significantly impacted by the interface errors.
Exactly the same symptoms as shown by Laptop HDD last week. Same warning status.

Crashed friday morning.
Dont care.[DOUBLEPOST=1408884019][/DOUBLEPOST]Though TBH, I will get the HDD replaced on friday, and then will try to recover the data if possible for cheap, else its not really that important.
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