[ign]GTA 5 Release Date For PS4, Xbox One and PC Revealed

^^ The screens on the first link looks stunning! I'm not too sure if I'll be playing it again on the PC next year since I've already played it on the PS3 (and enjoyed it thoroughly!) but I'll decide when it's finally released late January. Might just end up playing it again. :)
Now with First person mode, I won't be playing it that way thg GTA will always be 3rd person for me.

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First Person Mode - AWESOMEEEEEE!!!

Now I can finally play GTA the way I always wanted to without the immersion breaking 3rd person POV. Really looking forward to it. :)

Now if only Dead Space & Mass Effect would support this as well... :(
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Well I think driving and flying would still be better in third person. But I am really happy they are doing this. And it's not a tacked on FPS mode too, they have completely redone the game, with proper FPS animations, adjustable FOV etc. Worth the wait IMHO.
Same video content as posted by psyph3r above along with IGN commentators pointing out the differences between the newer version versus the earlier XBox/PS3 version.

@ jc36lect3r
Yep, everyone has their own view on this. The reason I like First Person mode for most games (apart from RTS games of course) is because when I play a game in 3rd person POV, I feel a complete loss of immersion resulting in a total disconnect from the game. It feels like I am watching "someone else" play rather than myself.

Absolutely delighted that FP POV has been added and sincerely hope this becomes the norm for future GTA releases... :)
One pointer i would highlight is in IGN they also do talk about how GTA V has enough setting for you to tinker with related to the FP POV.
You can decide to switch to third person for certain things like hiding behind cover or using vehicles. Which is ofc Awesome.