Linux If it had legs, how far could you computer run ?


If it had legs, how far could your computer run ?

Was just looking through some old posts on Ubuntu forums, and came across this fun thread.

Just run this code in the terminal, and see how much your computer can endure before its demise. :D

echo `uptime|grep days|sed 's/.*up \([0-9]*\) day.*/\1\/10+/'; cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep '^cpu MHz'|awk '{print $4"/30 +";}';free|grep '^Mem'|awk '{print $3"/1024/3+"}'; df -P -k -x nfs -x smbfs | grep -v '(1k|1024)-blocks' | awk '{if ($1 ~ "/dev/(scsi|sd)"){ s+= $2} s+= $2;} END {print s/1024/50"/15+70";}'`|bc|sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1 miles/'

Mine can run 232.3 miles.
doh mine can do only 106.3 miles.... btw i hope i didnt just inject a trojan running these wierd unknown commands :D
Now it shows 143.2 miles for me.... so it depends on mood and stamina and time of day and general energy levels of my desktop i think...
ah i see, so longer uptime is better? reverse should be true i think.... the longer a machine is up means its a bit tired of running around :D so I'll check again after leaving it on for another day or so...
^ I guess it's meant to convert your up-time into physical displacement. So it makes sense that longer is further.

For example, a computer that has to reboot every 6 hours shouldn't be able to make a mile without collapsing.
But something that can keep going for a week could run a marathon.