HP touchpad 16gb - Unable to delete data/apps



I have been using HP Tp over an year and recently I tried to play a corrupted file, which made the TP to hang. From that moment, I am unable to delete the contents from it. I tried resetting, recovering through HPwebosdoctor and it does not do any good.

webos doctor repairs it till 12% and shows an error message to contact HP.

Note: All the installed apps works flawlessly.only issue, I am unable i to delete apps, data from TP. It does not even allow copying new files. It shows me the file when I copy it, but it does not show up in the TP when switched on.

Can some one help me to recover this.

I remember there being a remedy for this problem. Were you dual booting with android by any chance.

Mine used to hang at 12% as well and i checked out webOS forums and if i remember correctly it was due to Android being installed. You had to remove Android completely and then use HPWebOS doctor to restore the Touchpad's firmware.

It was a long time ago, so you would be better off getting the info from webOS forums than relying on my word.