HP - Goblet of Fire game

The game just doesnt run... as soon as i double click, the screen goes blank as if the game is starting, and then it returns to the desktop.

my system meets the minimum requirements..so dont see what the problem is.

searched a bit on the net as well, but didnt find anything as such....
Your computer is smarter than the average computer. It is trying to save you the misery of the game. Accept it's decision or you'll regret it :rofl: :rofl:
hehe... ive read a similar comment somewhere as well..

but im really bored and with the config i have plus being a potter fan, thought of giving this a go..
game finally works.

the problem was that i somehow disabled or closed too many processes/services (svchost, spoolsv etc), which resulted in the OS showing my sound drivers as corrupted.(or something like that....whenever i clicked the sound icon, all i got was 'there is no sound hardware present' blah blah)

left those services on and then ran the game, and it ran fine.

btw, though the graphics n gameplay of the game is nothing to boast abt, but the cut-scenes and all has been done very nicely. :)