HP care pack

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All those who have HP laptops can buy HP care pack. Some local guy near my place got my out of warranty laptop in 1 year onsite warranty by taking a minimal charge (Rs 6500).

I got my dvd drive, screen and keyboard replaced from HP with his help. :D

Can be availed only if

-->> your laptop haven't been to hp care center till date. He will get your laptop in warranty :cool2:

PM me if interested.

PS (Delhi users only): also u can offer me your laptops (any condition) for selling if upper condition satisfies. HP only.
I thght they stopped the offer for OOW laptops.

I had my OOW compaq the care pack. after a month i asked one for my fried and they said they dont give for OOW ones anymore. only as a extension.

But if its still avlb its a damn good thing.
i've got a January'09 bought HP HDX16T. got it from US. is it eligible for the said warranty? i want to get it LCD replaced.
'm from Delhi.

Dont think they support out of region ones mate. I remember asking them that.
hey bro.. my lappy has been to HP service centre once for battery change nd screen change... bought it in june 07

is it possible to get HP care pack?
Can confirm u tom.. but might be this local guy might ask for more.. i payed 6500 as it had never been to service center..

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@spawnfreek : it is possible.. send me the pics of ur laptop.. my guy will check physical damage.. so send the pics clean and covering all of ur laptop.. chk pm for my mail id..

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@ankur: mail me your lappy's pics too! chk pm for id.. will ask accordingly
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