Laptops How's the MSI X410


Saw this on ebay for 23k

eBay India: MSI X410 Slim Stylish 14 inch Laptop / Face Recognition (item 280469081257 end time 03-Mar-2010 08:00:00 IST)

Some of the feature I liked were the D-Sub + HDMI video out. Also there's a dual headphone out for watching stuff with the SO.

I have a few questions:
1. If anybody seen this in person, do they have any feedback or gotcha on it.
2. How does the AMD Neo compare with the Intel Core Solo CULV in the MSI X340. Also which one runs cooler?
3. How is MSI's service in India?
4. Is the price good or can I get it for less locally?
5. If this is shipped to Mumbai should I expect to pay octroi on it?
6. Does MSI really have 2 year warranty on their laptops?
1.i saw the laptop i rather liked it

2.AMD's Neo performs better than the Atom and some CULV cpus from intel but the battery life you can expect is 5-6 hours compared to intel's 8-12 hours.

3.I own a MSi laptop and i have been to the service center--they are helpful and kind and are quick and professional in what they are expected to do -i will give a big thumbs up to Msi's service in India.

4.You can try lamington road

5. no only the shipping charges

6. yes msi has 2 years of warranty on their laptops.
I am also looking at this model. Have to decide between the MSI X340 and this X410. X410 wasn't available in croma, so couldn't check it out whereas the X340 and i liked its form factor.