how to use usb 3g modem on windows ce netbook

a friend of mine bought a netbook which runs on windows ce.and has lan/wifi support. is there any way to use a 3g/2g usb modem with it. i tried using my micromax 372 but it was not even detected by the netbook.

will using a 3g usb stick with a 3g usb router work.on the router it shows only windows xp ,vista,7 or above supported

any help in this regard will be appreciated
Unless the 3G USB modem has Windows CE drivers, there's probably no chance of getting it to work with the notebook. The router solution will definitely work, since the notebook would connect to the router via wifi or LAN, and you've mentioned that the notebook has LAN and wifi support. Don't worry about what it says on the router. Most companies market their routers as Windows 7 compatible when even a seven year old wireless B router will let your Windows 7 computer go online!!