PC Peripherals Help needed : Specifications for my PC upgrade


Hi Friends,

I am going to upgrade (almost a whole revamp) my PC.
I am buying the new parts as the money comes :D

I already bought an ATI Radeon HD 4870

These are my suggestions on the rest of the peripherals.
Please comment on the same. :)

PSU: Corsair VX450
Ram: 2 x 2GB DDR (GSkill?)
Processor : C2D 8400+
MotherBoard: ?

I am really confused about which motherboard to buy.
Do it have a real impact on the performance of all these components?
Which motherboard should i go with considering these components and a moderate budget?
I currently have an old 80 GB SATA HDD. Will it affect the overall performance?

Plz comment :)
Get a Gigabyte G31(~3.2k) or adding a little more dough gets you a P31 board which is a full ATX board and a tad better than the G31 board.

I guess the HDD you have is pretty old one which reflects the fact that its a slower drive so it will affect the performance.
Thanks :)

Anymore suggestions on the motherboard??
Will Radeon 4870 fit properly on the normal ATX cabinets or should i go for a branded one??
^^ Go for an NZXT Alpha. 2900 bucks for a very good cabby.

Motherboard +1 with Macinstein.

PSU - Corsair 450W Modular.

RAM - GSkill Pi Black 4GB DDR2 800Mhz ~ 2900 via KMD
sickizblank said:
RAM - GSkill Pi Black 4GB DDR2 800Mhz ~ 2900 via KMD

Pardon me for going off topic, but is that a recent quote? If so it's AWESOME, can you confirm please? Looks like i should stop putting it off and finally get a pair myself. :happy:
Dude if gaming is ur type of pie then u really dont need the 8400...
stick with the 7400 itself.
MADSHRIMPS - Hardware Reviews ,Crazy Projects, Modding Tutorials and Overclocking
check out this review..
save up the cash to buy a good psu or a good cabby..
BTW if u are using ur old monitor with any less resolution than 1600x1200 then the 4870 will be bottlenecked.. if so go for a better monitor like dell 2209wa..
or a samsung one,, at least 22"...
if u plan to upgrade on this rig and dont want yo buy a new MB later then u van go for AMD Phenom II 720 be with a 790GX motherboard..
Even you could consider AMD x2 7750+ (black edition) with M3A78-EM..x2 7750 has en extra 1MB L3 cache and its supposed to perform better than 6000+ when OCed.