

Namaskar (Namaste in Oriya =)).

I'm glad to be a part of this community and hopefully I can make a valuable contribution to it as well as learn new things from you guys. There is always so much to learn,yet not enough time to do so! It's always nice to have a single place where all(hopefully all) the wise souls get together and discuss their trades.

I use Google a lot. Over the past couple of years I've seen the forum posts on TE appearing a lot as links on my Google searches. It's helped me a lot but I'd never given the thought of actually registering here. Then I somehow came across a users profile here whose reply was invaluable in solving a certain problem of mine. The words, Location : India caught my eye.

I'll be frank with you guys,I've never really regarded Indians on the internet very highly. They write crappy SMS languages and are rarely able to get their point across. Some of them behave like 5 year old's learning to drive a bicycle. Not all of them were like that but the majority of the Indian people on the internet were plagued by these attributes.

Yet here was this corner of the internet which held all these solutions to my problems! And guess what most of these people were my fellow countrymen, I just had to check it out!

I registered on the site a week ago and ever since I've been browsing the hardware forums and a few other forums too.The least I could say is I'm simple amazed at how well this site is maintained. I'm pretty sure you'll agree with me when I say we Indians enjoy breaking laws =D but I was pleasantly surprised to see such a well coordinated and rule abiding community. I just got the privilege to post on the forums and this is my first post (one of many I hope).

Thanks crazy_ed for replying to my message so fast.


P.S I also made my first online purchase because of you guys. I needed a budget case and a budget CPU cooler and ended up ordering CM Elite 430 and Hyper TX3 from SMC International. I've paid the price this morning, though I'm yet to hear from him. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I'll be less apprehensive the next time I purchase something online . But again thanks a lot everyone.Delighted to be a part of this community. =) Oh and don't you guys have an IRC channel?