Have you seen a BSOD lately?


This bit of wisdom from Safin's "Guide to Warez" post set me off:

Many people read about BSODs on bulletin boards and think that they're being insulted, but there is no need to get paranoid. It is actually an acronym for "Blue Screen Of Death". These can occur for a multitude of reasons (old Bill likes to keep us guessing!) and are the bane of PC user's lives.

I have been using (and abusing) Windows right from 3.11 (the famous Windows For Workgroups) to Windows XP SP2 and I have seen the dreaded BSODs a few times. These are my observations:

I have rarely seen it in WFW or Windows NT 3.51.
Even more rarely in WinNT 4.0
More frequently in Windows 95/98/Me
Almost never in Windows XP (base, SP1 or SP2)

I write applications code by the megabyte (since I am paid for it) and it is mostly my bugs that result in the BSODs, especially in Windows 95/98/Me.

I once saw a BSOD in Dubai Airport's huge ad display screen, but never anywhere else in any public terminal and believe me, I have travelled a lot. I think that the BSOD issue is being given undue importance, probably by Apple's PR guys.

How many of you have experienced BSODs while using Windows? Especially Windows XP?
Xp is improved but it still does happen once in a while, but mostly only due to drivers...

And while blaming apps for BSODs may be true, it shows a bad OS design that allows it to happen. No app shud be able to take over the system like that. Since XP is based on the NT model (an actual OS unlike 98 etc which were basically graphical dos shells), there are bound to be less BSODs
i have few occassions of BSODs happening to me.
once due to corrupt sound card drivers.

some times without any obvious reasons.

why do you see more mentions of BSODs in forums is because participants know something about computers and they are here to discuss, sort out, porblems.

while common man in street most of the times does not know about hanging system, low performance and like problems. and believe me i have a lot of people in my group who does not even know "C" of computer still have costliest system around and they for a simple problem like monitor cable sliping call up servie support guy and they do not care about BSOD just press the reset switch and voila.
jai said:
I once saw a BSOD in Dubai Airport's huge ad display screen, but never anywhere else in any public terminal and believe me, I have travelled a lot. I think that the BSOD issue is being given undue importance, probably by Apple's PR guys.

If you've seen a BSOD in Dubai's Airport....how can Mumbai be behind:eek:hyeah:

I spotted one at the departure terminal at Mumbai Airport when i went to drop my cousina few weeks back:D

At home...yes...seen it a few times due to some corrupt driver installation.
i have had bsod's a couple of times, mainly due to driver probs. but i think its been a while since i had a bsod (should be at least a year)

but my friend get bsod's all the time, so he invariably reinstalls windows ata least twice a month
We techheads get more BSODs simply because we like tinkering with the system to extract that last bit of juice from it, either for getting a few more FPS in our favorite games or just for the heck of it.

But most regular users who are not much into driver updates, tweaking, overclocking or even just defragging (a client of mine wanted to know if defragging and re-formatting achieve the same thing and I almost replied yes) will probably never see a BSOD in their lives.

As Medpal says above, the forums get a disproportionate share of "I got a BSOD" messages mostly because the poster was tweaking something.

So can we conclude that BSODs are not the demons they are made out to be, at least to the general public?
yesterday, today morning, 20 mins back...i see it every darn day.

the moment i try disconnecting iRda from the USB...pooof goes WinXP
the last time I saw BSOD was 4 months back . thanks to the new Hynix 512MB ram , my system ( desktop ) works smoothly and no bsods thereafter , previously had 256mb TA ram which is crap ( the other 256mb to my 768mb ram total is TA but its not giving me probs. ) :)
BSOD and me have some special bond :p

BSOD has given me visit 100s of times on windows XP. Mostly not bcoz of the OS problem but bcoz during my ocing session i oc little too much :p
Nope, BSOD is one thing indigenous by Billy boy :p

Though therez a BSOD screensaver in GNOME :p

Yeah it's significantly low in XP.. i expect the problem to be even rarer in Vista
But most regular users who are not much into driver updates, tweaking, overclocking or even just defragging (a client of mine wanted to know if defragging and re-formatting achieve the same thing and I almost replied yes) will probably never see a BSOD in their lives.

IMO its totally opp, I have seen a lot of BSOD's in coll computers, which are nothing but trojan infested...
tomski said:
as soon as i have the sofware in need in linux ill never run
mikewrongshafted windblows

From your other post:
but to get around the bsod i had to disable cl1 & cl2 cache in bios, i do remember having a few probs when i first install on this mobo i think for some reason it does not like my mobo...

Did you try installing any flavor of Linux on this system withe the CL1 and CL2 caches enabled? If so, what was the result? If not, why blame Windows for this?
Just now, after installing Daemon Tools and rebooting. Had to boot into safe mode and go use system recovery to go back.

What could be the problem? Any good (free) alternative to Daemon tools?
i have seen BSOD only two times in my XP pro that too when i reached a particular point in hitman 2 game so obviously its due to game or driver.