Storage Solutions Getting SSD < 10k from abroad

I am intending to get an SSD for my rig as it seems to be the most logical upgrade path right now. I can spend upto 10k, so obviously I am gonna limit use of SSD to Boot drive. So I looked at a few of them. There are ones from Kingston etc. but it seems Intel reigns supreme in terms of performance in that budget range. The 40GB one costs around 6.1k locally and will cost around the same or more, if I get it from US through KMD or something like .

Then I looked at the 80GB version. It costs some 12k here. While if I can get it from for some $180-$190 and ship it through some service like, or maybe KMD , it will come at approx 8k-10k. I know KMD is reliable, but if I choose, say Shipito, or ComGateway, will this will get caught by customs? Has anyone here used such a service before?

Also, any other suggestions in that price range for good performance boost and apt amount of storage ?
If I can stretch the budget, the Intel 80Gig one would be the best right? I mean, I know the OCZ one is faster for sequential reads and writes. But how much of that am I gonna do on a 60Gig drive anyway .. ??
junkiedogg said:
If I can stretch the budget, the Intel 80Gig one would be the best right? I mean, I know the OCZ one is faster for sequential reads and writes. But how much of that am I gonna do on a 60Gig drive anyway .. ??
well intel write speeds are slower than modern hdd's
Yea .. but it pwns everything on random-writes read and writes, right?

The OCZ drive does give ~250 MB/s sequential write, but is that as important as random access when we are using it as OS drive?